Another Cali boy!


New Member
hey whats up fellow tokers!!:grinjoint: just wanted to intro myself. im from Cali and been here my whole 27 years of life. long time smoker. i quit for about 4 years due to relationship but it didnt work out so i went back to the one relationship that i know will last a looonnggggg time.:smokin: any who ive always had plenty to puff on from older bros that kept me loaded but a kind of distance has grown between us. the dam prices are so high i couldnt keep up. so i took some of my retirement out and set up my own spot to supply myself with the goods!!! so a long story short im new to the growing aspect of it but i think im doing ok for my first run. enough talk...time to choke!!!:bong:
Waikinbaik :slide: Glad your here! Make sure you start a journal so we all can enjoy and help if needed. The best growers are here for SURE for any questions. Sucks how time changes relationships. Have not see my brother and sister much as i like either!! P.S stay away for your retirement fund!! ;)jk We all will be looking forward hearing from you!! Keep it green :rollit:
thanks for the welcomings;) i will def. be asking some more ?'s. im in my 4th week of flowering on my first run ever. i have a couple good friends walking me through the process so far. they have been doing it for a long time also so i think im in good hands. but its always god to know what other people have tried and experimented with.
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