Anubis420 Gets Right Back On The Horse


New Member
After the most recent nightmare scenario with my new grow space, I figured that the best thing to do is come right back and start again with no down time. Things will be different this time now that I've switched seed suppliers.

Here we go again...

What strain is it? Six White Widow Max and six Big Bud - From a new seed supplier, I'll never use Nirvana again.

Indoor or outdoor? Indoors as always

Soil or Hydro? Soil again. This time I'm using FoxFarm Happy Frog (I like the beneficial microbes for root development)

If soil... what is in your mix? Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, earthworm castings, oyster shell, and dolomite lime.

If soil... What size pot? Five gallon pots

Size of light? Agrotech 1000w Budget Gro HPS ballast with an Agrotech Sun System Reflector

Nutes: FoxFarm Grow Big Soil Formula 6-4-4 (Won't be necessary for at least two or three weeks due to the nutes already in the Happy Frog), and FoxFarm Big Bloom 0.01-0.3-0.7

All twelve seeds are being germed by my regular method of popping them into moistened grodan cubes, putting those under my propagation dome, and leaving them the hell alone.

I may get motivated to take a photo or two tomorrow. The two sickly White Widow females from the last debacle may be incorporated into this grow. I'll make a decision on that in a few days, after I see what germs.

*takes a deep breath*

On the plus side, it can't be much worse than what just happened with my Nirvana White Widow grow... nothing but disappointment from Nirvana... I can't stress that enough.
Just read through your journal, ouch & double ouch both with your equipment and then the sausage fest :(

Hope you get better resaults with this one, after all its best not to let problems stop you but overcome or start over.

Best of luck :cheer:
Day Seven Update

Here are some pics:

Six White Widow Max seedlings (Front Row) Six Big Bud seedlings (Back Row):

Big Bud seedling:

White Widow Max seedling:

Off to a pretty good start I think.

I can't stress my hands off "method" of germinating enough, both to experienced growers and new growers alike. I get 100% germination nearly every time, and honestly can't remember when the last time I had a seed not even get off the ground. I think the fact that I don't ever actually come in contact with the seeds or the seedlings themselves before they go into pots has a lot to do with it.

Messing around with paper towels, and handling taproots is just asking for trouble I think.
100% thats nice hope you get 100% females as well !! What happened with Nirvana ? I got my first order with them no problem on time etc, although they ended up 5 out of 6 males !! ( not fem'd seeds) anyhow good luck looks like your off to a good start ..:peace:
100% thats nice hope you get 100% females as well !! What happened with Nirvana ? I got my first order with them no problem on time etc, although they ended up 5 out of 6 males !! ( not fem'd seeds) anyhow good luck looks like your off to a good start ..:peace:

olhippy, thanks for stopping in!

The problem with Nirvana was the quality of the product, nothing more.

Out of my ten White Widow seeds, I ended up with eight survivors displaying FIVE distinctly different phenotypes, from tall and skinny, to short and bushy.

While the six males were robust and healthy, the two females (tall and skinny) from that grow (I still have them in the room) are rather sickly, and both crave ridiculous amounts of nitrogen and iron! (what the hell is up with that???)

Too much work involved with what is supposed to be a fairly consistent product, especially from a supplier as big as Nirvana. I grow the medical-grade stuff for a friend with Relapsing/Remitting MS, and it's important that I provide consistent quality.
Off to a good start, and i do belive i'll give your hands off aproach a run when/if i grow from seed again.

Stakkur, thanks for rolling through again.

I obviously think that people make too big of a deal with the germination process. Seeds fall to the ground and sprout on their own fer cryin' out loud, so it would stand to reason that not excessively handling them and just letting them do their thing is the best route to go.

Works for me anyway... I'm nearly 100% successful with germination over 20 years of growing.
olhippy, thanks for stopping in!

The problem with Nirvana was the quality of the product, nothing more.

Out of my ten White Widow seeds, I ended up with eight survivors displaying FIVE distinctly different phenotypes, from tall and skinny, to short and bushy.

While the six males were robust and healthy, the two females (tall and skinny) from that grow (I still have them in the room) are rather sickly, and both crave ridiculous amounts of nitrogen and iron! (what the hell is up with that???)

Too much work involved with what is supposed to be a fairly consistent product, especially from a supplier as big as Nirvana. I grow the medical-grade stuff for a friend with Relapsing/Remitting MS, and it's important that I provide consistent quality.

Hmmm Now that you mention it I'm having a hell of a timw with my 1 and only female ! She looks like shit and I've been very carefull with the nutes and ph !! Check out my photo gallery and look at the last 8 pics they look horrible at 4 wks into flowering !! All Botanicare organic nutes checked and ph'd daily ! I can't figure it out !! Maybe you just did !?:peace:
Hmmm Now that you mention it I'm having a hell of a timw with my 1 and only female ! She looks like shit and I've been very carefull with the nutes and ph !! Check out my photo gallery and look at the last 8 pics they look horrible at 4 wks into flowering !! All Botanicare organic nutes checked and ph'd daily ! I can't figure it out !! Maybe you just did !?:peace:

ol hippy, I checked out your pics, and it's hard to tell with photos taken under an HPS, but it looks like your plants have the same unexplainable damage my two do. My first question to you would be is that a White Widow female you have? It looks very much like the tall, skinny females I have.

If that is indeed the case, giving them a shot of nitrogen should show some improvement. For that I go for an organic liquid fertilizer that has guano from insect-eating bats, and for the iron issue, I've just gave a little boost with Tetra Florapride Iron-Intensive aquarium fertilizer. They've shown a little improvement from this chemistry experiment, but I don't think I'm going to continue with them in light of the twelve new seedlings. For me it'll be too much work for what won't be top-quality medicine.
Day Ten Update

Just planted all six Big Bud and two of six White Widow Max seedlings in their larger pots. I need to pick up four more five gallon pots tonight and I'll move those last four White Widow Max seedlings into their new homes tomorrow morning.

Some people have actually questioned my germination method. When they see I get roots like this in less than five days, they generally shut up:

Big Bud Seedling

Another Big Bud Seedling (The one with TWO plants from one seed... See below)

Two Big Bud plants from one seed. I have named this one Gemini.

Big Bud Seedling 2

Big Bud Seedling 3

Big Bud Seedling 4

White Widow Max Seedling 1

White Widow Max Seedling 2

And so it goes... More replanting tomorrow.
there looking good so far. Which seed bank did you get the new seeds from?

I'm pleased so far, all twelve seedlings are showing promise, and two of the White Widow Max are starting to really take off.:headbanger: I'll post new pics tomorrow.
How did this grow turn out?
We would love to be updated with some pictures and info!

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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