any one sold to clubs yet


New Member
hey wats up guys this is a "DOPE" WEBSITE pun completley intended any ways I was gonna start growing as soon as I move out this mounth and was wondering if any of you growers has sold to any CB Clubs or if yall know of any one that has and what are the limits or likely hood you would get in trouble stoned can't spell.
I would go with being the caretaker of a few med peoples, and you yourself be one. Remember it is illegal to sell weed for profit.
Most clubs i think all have there own growers. If it is medical it has to be quality if they get it from a unknown source they cant know much about it and what and how it was taken care of. With them having there own growers they have quality and control all at once with no need of worrying about what they got.
There must be a dozen growers that visit BPG each Wednesday. Most of the ones I've gabbed with are from up north. They sell by the pound. Most are nice quiet old pot growers extraordinaire. Most of them support medical marijuana and grow specifically for the MCDs. The pot, the best. :peace:
Well lets answer some fun questions here, Have you ever grew some plants before? lol, No one can just go off and grow a bunch of plants and expect the clubs to buy it...Ive seen many vendors and they are mainly as pinched said, Old hippie MMJ actvisits that know what there doing... And Alot of co-ops dont have there own growers, They buy it... Some clubs have other 100 strains, The owner just buys who ever has some left over harvest like a couple z's... Some clubs like having quanity and some clubs love having the variety...Good meds come from Up north because thats where its at :)... But once the outdoor season comes this year, Its all about the hot climate aka San Diego :)
Clubs in the bay area pay no more than $2500 a pound and usually around the $1800 area. There is one grower that gets close to a pound per plant and that is indoors. Using 5 gal soil buckets and using advanced nutrients. One of his strains is Medical Grade and the rest AAA rated. Clubs will not buy the AAA rated product.
The popular clubs do about 15 pounds, daily. Usually at prices of between $45 to $75 an eight, some give volume discounts, some restrict the amount you can buy daily and some just offer straight pricing; All the clubs in the bay area, that I have knowledge of, grow their own and if they buy, its from a very select group of sellers/growers.
One of the clubs has gone private, with about a 2 year waiting list to join.....of course they have the best prices and top quality product....

The growers up north make their money off of the east coast buyers but even still they are selling pounds for no more than $2500 and with volume, about $2K.....its NOT Medical Grade I might add, good quality but not MG...
Dr Green
Thank you Dr Green.. very interesting data.
Dr. Green I think your using "new math". You say the clubs are buying elbows for $1800 -$2500. What??? That means the dispensaries are buying it for $14 -$19.50 an eighth. The dispensaries then turn it around and will sell it for $45 -$75 an eighth like you said? No way. I think the dispensaries would like to operate that way. That is have the growers (who take risks) sell an elbow at these prices so that the dispensary makes all the profit. This is however not reality.
Thank you Mr. lizzzard.. very interesting data.
I Am A Vendor For Cal.and I Do Not Get Paid For Herbs. I Give It To Them For Free. If I Wer To Get Busted For The Sell Of Mj. I Culd And Would Give Up All My Rights To My Med Card...
And Aint No Way I Would Chance That ( No Way No How)..
P.j. Out........
lizzzard said:
Dr. Green I think your using "new math". You say the clubs are buying elbows for $1800 -$2500. What??? That means the dispensaries are buying it for $14 -$19.50 an eighth. The dispensaries then turn it around and will sell it for $45 -$75 an eighth like you said? No way. I think the dispensaries would like to operate that way. That is have the growers (who take risks) sell an elbow at these prices so that the dispensary makes all the profit. This is however not reality.
P.J. OUT:headbanger:
I am not in the medical marijuana dispensing BUSINESS, but I have friends who are. They tell me the clubs rake in millions a month, and from the amount of business I've seen just from going to buy, they are not lying. Dr. Green was right on the spot about pricing, but I can narrow it down and say the Losd Angeles area clubs generaly tend to be more expensive than the San Francisco clubs, so i see people shell out 60 - 75 bucks an 8th, 440 an ounce when they are buying multiple 8ths and multiple ounces. Having grown my own medicine, using JUST the rays of the sun (no special light system), even my FIRST attempt I managed to grow almost a half ounce of some damn good chronic. Pretty good for only letting it grow for the last 2 months of spring and paying absolutely nothing. Had I been a more experieinced (and patient) grower, I could have let the plant mature and take a clone, creating an ARMY of female plants. It's been MY experience that growing medicine is inexpensive, if not free in many cases, and that even with the cost of electrizity to grow it indoors and year round, the cost far outweighs the cost the Dispensaries are charging. This certainly isnt to say that growers of medicine dont spend valuable time and must posess the patience, expertise, and take a lot of risk, which is an extremely valuable service. Howver, while growers dont advertise their grow ops (at least, not the smart ones), the dispensaries are taking a daily risk of federal arrest and legal action by opeing up a storefront, and will most likely need money for legal defense, so I can't say I really blame them for jacking thne prices way up to make a profit.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
I am not in the medical marijuana dispensing BUSINESS, but I have friends who are. They tell me the clubs rake in millions a month, and from the amount of business I've seen just from going to buy, they are not lying. Dr. Green was right on the spot about pricing, but I can narrow it down and say the Losd Angeles area clubs generaly tend to be more expensive than the San Francisco clubs, so i see people shell out 60 - 75 bucks an 8th, 440 an ounce when they are buying multiple 8ths and multiple ounces. Having grown my own medicine, using JUST the rays of the sun (no special light system), even my FIRST attempt I managed to grow almost a half ounce of some damn good chronic. Pretty good for only letting it grow for the last 2 months of spring and paying absolutely nothing. Had I been a more experieinced (and patient) grower, I could have let the plant mature and take a clone, creating an ARMY of female plants. It's been MY experience that growing medicine is inexpensive, if not free in many cases, and that even with the cost of electrizity to grow it indoors and year round, the cost far outweighs the cost the Dispensaries are charging. This certainly isnt to say that growers of medicine dont spend valuable time and must posess the patience, expertise, and take a lot of risk, which is an extremely valuable service. Howver, while growers dont advertise their grow ops (at least, not the smart ones), the dispensaries are taking a daily risk of federal arrest and legal action by opeing up a storefront, and will most likely need money for legal defense, so I can't say I really blame them for jacking thne prices way up to make a profit.
LIKE IT IS.... P.J. OUT......
420grower street herb in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Cali</st1:place></st1:City> is cheaper. They are right though prices in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">L.A.</st1:place></st1:City> are out of hand. This isn’t all greed though but money does play the biggest factor. I hear a lot about Nor Cal being cheap and how So Cali co-ops should be the same price.

Logically So Cali co-ops could never match Nor Cal prices even if they weren’t marking up 100%

The reasons for this are 1 the laws in each county of California for medical marijuana are different. Most Nor Cal counties have higher limits on how many plants you can grow and how much you can posses. In <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">L.A.</st1:place></st1:City> we live by the minimum guidelines set by Sb 420.

Another reason is Nor Cali is much more pot friendly. Most counties are a lot more understanding of medical marijuana there and don’t raid legal patients as much as officers in So Cali.

So you add it all up you get Nor Cal patients who are able to grow and posses more pot then us and have friendly law enforcement. The you have So Cali patient who for each note can only grow 6 plants and carry a half pound and are constantly threatened by rogue officers.

Simple supply and demand. General rule of thumb in the marijuana trade is the good buds come from the north IE Nor Cal, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Canada</st1:country-region> and the crappy buds come from the south <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Mexico</st1:place></st1:country-region>. I think this is why we find a lot of Co-ops going up north to get medicine for their patients here. We simply don’t have enough growers to keep up with all the patients in So Cali. We can hope <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">L.A.</st1:place></st1:City> county will raise the limit to at least 12 -24 plants and 1-2 pounds and if that ever happens your sure to see prices fall.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

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LMAO. I guess thats where I got the idea!!! Doh!

I was so busy looking for the article, I completely forgot it had been posted.

Sorry about that DRGreen
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