Anybody every use

Look dude, we're not going to answer you right away.

Read some reviews on the product online, do a search with that name on the forums - do your homework first.

I haven't even heard of this product, so I don't know what to say about. But there are a lot of ways you could find out more. The internet is pretty cool like that.
Look dude, we're not going to answer you right away.

Read some reviews on the product online, do a search with that name on the forums - do your homework first.

I haven't even heard of this product, so I don't know what to say about. But there are a lot of ways you could find out more. The internet is pretty cool like that.

:rofl: When I first read this, I couldnt help but laugh at the ignorant reply you left lol

And then to top it all off, you never even used or heard of this product :rofl:

You just felt the need to come in my thread and drop a negative vibe in here for some reason.
So I thought, do I even entertain this ignorant and negative comment :smokin: OR state that negative vibes are not encouraged on this site.
So when you post, please make it meaningful, civil, and reasoned.

Also you might want to give this a read before you go any further Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

420 forums are a place of learning and teaching.

There is no room for negativity and disrespect in the forums. :peace:
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