Anyone know what is up with my plants?


New Member
Hello! I am a first time grower. I am currently growing Gold Leaf strain from 420. They were currently in their 2nd week of flower. The plants are in fox farm soil. I have 2 600w led lights about 15" above the canopy. I water them with 6.5ph water using General Hydroponics flora series. I use 8ml of the bloom, 5ml of micro, and 2ml of gro along with 3ml of calmag supp. The temp inside my 3x3 grow tent varies. The top, where the lights are, can get up to 85 degrees while under the canopy it can be around 73 degrees. it always seems to be hotter above the canopy than below where the pots are. That is one question I have, does it matter the temp above vs below? Is one more important than the other or should the whole tent be the same temp? When the lights are off the whole tent usually stays around 70 degrees.

The plants plants stems are turning purple with purple streaks going up the main stems.

The lower fan leaves are starting to fall off (I did some minor pruning but probably could have cut off more. So not sure if this is normal at this stage)

The tips/sides of the leaves are drying out and turning brown. It is in random spots too, not always at the top of the plant or the bottom.

Some of the tops are making a nearly 90 degree bend downward as well.

Everything I described I ruled it to be nitrogen burn and potassium deficiency but I believe the amount of nutes I'm using is correct. Again, this is my first grow so I don't have everything down to a science. The plants are still stretching nicely and the buds are coming in beautifully but I don't want my yield affected due to something I'm doing wrong.

Any ideas of what could be causing these issues?
Sounds like a P and K deficiency partly. Please post pics for more accurate help. Try to take close pics of the issues also.
Sure thing! These are the best pictures I could get

I also forgot to mention that the fan leaves closer to the bottom are falling off extremely easily. Like, if I bump the plant leaves will just fall off. Not sure if that's normal but here are the pictures!
The plant looks pretty healthy. Honestly it looks more like a simple case of nute burn. The reason why the tips show it first is because there are more salts built up outside of her than there are inside so she pushes out to level out and feed how she likes. Happens to the best of us. Give her a good feeding when she is ready of straight h20 for the next couple feedings. Also she will begin killing off her leaves she no longer needs so she can concentrate on getting taller and growing the medicine you seek. The purple stems on the leaves is a phosphate thing. Increase your phosphate when you do nute. Otherwise she looks fine to me. Keep up the good work! :goodjob::welcome:
The plant looks pretty healthy. Honestly it looks more like a simple case of nute burn. The reason why the tips show it first is because there are more salts built up outside of her than there are inside so she pushes out to level out and feed how she likes. Happens to the best of us. Give her a good feeding when she is ready of straight h20 for the next couple feedings. Also she will begin killing off her leaves she no longer needs so she can concentrate on getting taller and growing the medicine you seek. The purple stems on the leaves is a phosphate thing. Increase your phosphate when you do nute. Otherwise she looks fine to me. Keep up the good work! :goodjob::welcome:
Much appreciated!! Makes me feel a lot better. I'd hate for anything to go wrong this late in the game

Would it be a good or bad idea to add just the bloom on the next feeding rather than just straight H2O to help with the deficiency?
Much appreciated!! Makes me feel a lot better. I'd hate for anything to go wrong this late in the game

Would it be a good or bad idea to add just the bloom on the next feeding rather than just straight H2O to help with the deficiency?

You can add a 1/4 diluted amount to phd water. Foliar feed her to treat it. Healthy lovely ladies otherwise from what ive seen! Good luck on the grow! You should do a journal!
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