Are these seeds ready for planting?


New Member
these seeds have been sitting on paper towel for 60 hours (2.5 days). bag cannabis, not sure what strain and i never even smoked this it from a friend....doing an indoor grow....first grow

i dont want to leave them in too long...fear drowning...are theses ready for potting?

here is a pic of my seeds:

these seeds have been sitting on paper towel for 60 hours (2.5 days). bag cannabis, not sure what strain and i never even smoked this it from a friend....doing an indoor grow....first grow

i dont want to leave them in too long...fear drowning...are theses ready for potting?

here is a pic of my seeds:

Maybe is 3 days enough for seeds? I am not sure, but I guess you may start potting them.
You could also wait for the taproot (little white tail thing) to come out of the seed shell a little bit more, really it up to you i have better luck when I let it come out more and I have never had much luck throwing them right into the soil. Just make sure not to bury them to deep. Best of luck to you.
I might wait. another 24 hours. Then again iv'e planted just like that and had no issue

I think your paper towels are too wet. I think if you have it not so wet the taproot will stretch out quicker looking for water. Just a thought because your paper towels look quite soaked.
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