Assembly Passes Bill Approving Marijuana For PTSD Treatment

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Trenton, New Jersey - The Assembly on Thursday passed legislation to allow qualified New Jersey residents with post-traumatic stress disorder to get medical marijuana treatment.

The Democrat-led Assembly voted 55-14, with seven abstentions, sending the bill to the Senate for consideration.

Republican Gov. Chris Christie, who has been critical of marijuana legalization in other states, ignored advocates of the bill who asked him to sign the measure as he walked into the statehouse Thursday.

Jim Miller, the co-founder of the Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey and an organizer of a weekly pro-marijuana podcast on the statehouse steps, said he has asked the governor at least four times previously to support the measure, but Christie has never answered him.

Miller says he supports the bill to help veterans who are increasingly using cannabis even though it remains illegal in most states and isn't approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs because major studies have yet to show it is effective against PTSD.

"They shouldn't have to fight their government for the inherent right to health," Miller said.

The legislation approves the disorder for treatment with marijuana only if it's not treatable with conventional therapy.

Marijuana is currently approved in New Jersey to treat multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer and muscular dystrophy, among other medical diseases. It's also approved for seizures and glaucoma if those conditions are resistant to conventional treatment.

The U.S. Senate passed an amendment in November that would allow Veterans Affairs doctors to recommend medical marijuana to veterans in states where it's legal. The proposal failed to pass the House.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Assembly Passes Bill Approving Marijuana For PTSD Treatment
Author: The Associated Press
Photo Credit: Rich Schultz
Well Jim Miller let's forget about Christie he's the guy that had to have a surgery to TRY and deal with his weight problem, poster child for a hypocrite. On to important matters, I'm a 3 year pancreatic survivor and registered in NJ's medical marijuana program. In addition to dealing with the consequences of cancer treatment, I suffer from pain associated with fracturing my neck and dislocating a shoulder mountain biking. Medicinal marijuana is extremely helpful in managing my pain, nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting but it's also very helpful at times when the discomfort effects my mood, disposition and even tolerance. This leads me to medical marijuana as an option for patients with PTSD. From 2012-2015, routinely I provided transportation to veterans to their VA appointments as a volunteer for the Red Cross. I'm also a veteran, served in the Army reserves but never called into combat. Many of the veterans I drove where Veitnam veterans and to force them to continue to have to use current therapy with all the side effects I've seen and discussed with some of these veterans is ignorant! Who's interest are our legislators concerned with helping!
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