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I try not to germinate in a paper towel when I have 'purchased' seeds. I do the float in warm water for 12-24 hours and pop them into some luke warm soil that's moist and wait wait wait SPROUT! :goodluck:
First time grower, my baby was doing splendid until I noticed a couple days ago the bottom outer edge of the fan leaves beginning to yellow and crisp brown at the ends (still in vegetation). She is exactly 2 months & 1 week old, I'm trying to Vegetate her for 2 weeks more because I don't want to take her into Flowering with what seems to be any kind of stress or nutritional deficiency.

I increased the feeding of Nitrogen levels yet due to the yellowing, using miracle gro as directed in a 1 gallon water bottle. (Jacks Blossum Bloom coming in the mail) yet the yellowing is persisting....

I flushed her thinking it was a nutritional lock up, the day before yesterday 5/23 not any better I must say. She is looking rather limp, Yellowing looks like it is persisting now to the fan leaves edges above the dying bottom fan leaves...

So my question is:

Does this look like an Over fertilization problem, a Lock up, or some kind of N, P, or K deficiency?





Not sure why you did not start your own thread but what your looking at is nute burn. Stop being careless when watering the plant, the nute solution can't touch those lower leaves else it will hurt the plant. try to be careful when watering and use only water for awhile. the leaf tips above are slightly burnt and if you keep it up the leaves will all turn crispy. it also looks like you use a pretreated soil fortified with nutrients so you can dilute your solutions down more then you are when you go back to it. The plant will snap back pretty fast if you give it a good amount of water to balance things out. :goodluck:
I'm not careless I care way too much is all! lol
I don't folier spray with nutrients either, which is why I couldn't figure what the problem was.
I water her approximately 300 MLs as suggested and let the soil aerate in between waterings,
but yes, makes sense now!

Another quick question: They say to water every time the soil dries out, yet I find that If I don't water every other day my plant looks limp and dehyderated. My question is how often do you water as in Mililiters or gallons?

I don't mean careless like you don't care but as in don't let it go splashing off the soil. Also try to make sure no growth touches the dirt it also creates issues.:high-five:

And as for the wilting try to intervene before that point. Since you know what is a bit too long try watering a day sooner. Another good tip is water in the morning hours when lights first come on. I am big on letting the soil go totally dry a few times in veg to stimulate root growth and make it 'seek' water but don't over do it wilting the leaves just to grow the roots, find the balancing point. I have a grow room that gets watered every day due to the conditions....Maybe try my method of once every two weeks let the soil be almost dry but try not to wilt the plant too much it is why the nute burn was sucking up nutes without enough moisture....looks like this could cure two problems for you! :goodluck:
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