Bad run in with the cops


New Member
got pulled over yesterday was not medicated at all however i did have about .5 grams on my person they smelled it serched my car baged it and left even after showing them my recommendation. to make things worse they TOOK my letter of recommendation with them and deny that they took it.

i tried calling the department but no use the dispatcher called them up asked them about it they claim to have given all my papers back but they did not. i dont know what to do now im siting here with a MJ posession ticket and a speeding ticket which was only 8 miles over which is off topic but still...

any one have info on what i can do if anything at all?
yeh im going to go back to them today to see if i can get another one. but i want too get the ticket cleared and im not sure if i can i thoguht iw as legeal but i dunno thats why i am seeking professional advice on what i can do according to the law.
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