Bat guano bad for you? In liquid form though

cpt chronic

New Member
I heard if you inhale the dust of bat guano it is bad for you, but is it bad if you breathe it in the liquid form such as in BPN organic line.
Re: Bat guano bad for you? In liquid form though.

It's like many things it's only bad when you breath it in cause it is poop, which could be loaded with ANYTHING!
Try it it's good for any plants.
well seeing as my setup is in my room.. and i can still smell it, i probably should go with the other nonorganic line then.
well seeing as my setup is in my room.. and i can still smell it, i probably should go with the other nonorganic line then.
wow key word non organic! just go with the guano. its not what you breath now its what you breath later! anyway its not like holding your head over a gas can and huffin it. I use bat guano worm castings and what would seem to be all kind of nasty stuff and Im sure its better then nonorganic:)imo:peace:liquid form takes the airbourne particles out any way so there isnt the chance of breathing it unless your in a batcave. the result would be methane poisioning and you would need gallons to pose a problem:love:
but for my DWC i was told that this could be a messy and might not work?
I wouldn't think that liquid processed bat guano would cause any problems unless you ingested it. The dangers are from airborne particles and such from natural, unprocessed, dry, crusty guano. It's nasty much like pigeon crap.
grow in dirt bro so I geuss Im out. but I think tejas is right
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