Battle Creek To Review Marijuana Regulations

The city of Battle Creek wants to put a temporary halt to any new operations in the city related to medical marijuana.

City commissioners will vote on the six-month moratorium on Tuesday. If approved, the city would not grant any land uses, including licenses or permits, associated with the sale or dispensation of medical marijuana until January.

City staff members are requesting the moratorium to give them more time to determine how to regulate medical marijuana in Battle Creek.

Officials with the city did not return phone calls seeking comment late Friday.

Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act, approved by voters in 2008, allows people with qualifying medical conditions to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and up to 12 marijuana plants.

Patients are licensed through the Michigan Department of Community Health. Licensed patients can designate a caregiver to grow their marijuana plants.

Battle Creek's moratorium would not stop a caregiver from growing and providing marijuana for up to five patients.

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Author: Barrett Newkirk
Copyright: 2010
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