

New Member
Uh . . .hi . . . .I was wondering how i would go about putting together a benifit type thing for those of us in need of legal representation who are not making a killing off of Medical marajuanna, I'm in Denver and my case didn't make the news so people like Robert Cory won't even answer my calls. i have a pretty good idea of how to do the event (or friends do) but to get the word out so that it could be benificial to more than myself. . . . . . . . i don't know any suggestions at all would be helpful
Try to get dispensary owners to let you place a tasteful notice in their shops.

And if you got busted while growing for honest medical reasons, try to strike up conversations with people who's loved ones have conditions that are treatable with cannabis and explain to them that (assuming it's the case) you weren't growing for profit but because your loved ones or friends also suffer from like conditions and you were trying to do what you could to help ease their pain & suffering.

Not all people are, well, close-minded assholes, lol. There are people who wouldn't consider consuming cannabis for recreational purposes, and while some of them might not even consider consuming it for medical ones, the less hypocritical among them would give you points for helping those who do find benefit in it. And there's a small portion of the people who can't seem to get it through their heads that it DOES help that would still give you the points for trying even if they were unable to believe that you actually WERE helping. You know, the old "Well, at least he tried" thing.

And who knows, you might end up with people at your benefit/rally that would never have come, otherwise. Some might go away being believers, some might not. Keep it respectful and try not to just throw canned facts at them - even if they're true - but instead invite your patients to speak about how they've successfully treated their conditions with cannabis and also about how you personally have raised their quality of life.

And even if they ask you a question that's been asked - and answered - thousands of times and you could spew out the answer in your sleep, do not immediately snap the answer out. Pause. Appear to consider their question before answering. Let them know through their actions that their words are important enough for you to think about.

It's one thing to have a "support team" that has been in your corner from day one. It's quite another to have one that is in part made up of former members of the opposition.

And hit up KFC for food, lol. Or something light so the blood doesn't leave their brains and rush to their stomach.

Lastly, if you're at all likely to have people show up with little kids, try to set up some kind of area with child-care and activities within sight but away from the main discussion area. "Seed" it with children you know so that you won't be quite as likely to have people afraid to let their children be there, kind of like how street musicians will toss some small change into their hat when they set up so that others unconsciously know it's ok to throw theirs in.

Not that your topic is one that shouldn't be discussed in front of the young - they're (at least!) as smart as we are, just less experienced in things. But... Ever try to have an important discussion while you've got a bored child in tow?

And you might even pick up a few extra people who's kids talk them into stopping so they can have fun, you never know.

If your home doesn't have a decent outdoor area with room for the activities, ease of visibility, and a good traffic count then strongly consider having it at a local park.

Lastly, if you do not hold your thing entirely on your own property, make sure to obtain all necessary permits from your local government beforehand. The fact that you've gotten yourself officially noticed does not mean that you do not have a legal right to hold meetings. As long as you have the proper paperwork.
T. Soul thank you for the feed back quite a bit of informayion yo go through and adapt to my situation . . . . deffinatly a place to start, most reads like it should be xerry useful . . . .. . .. . . . .Hash
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