Big-Grow Project - Need advises and some answers


New Member
Hello Guys!

I'm back! :tokin:

Some time has passed from my last time posting here...

So i'm planing to grow 20 plants (only from a seeds [feminised*]), in grow room which size is about 2 meters heigh x 3 meters lenght x 2 meters in spread.
So i think i will buy : 2 complete lighting kits, so i need suggestion : 2x 1000 Watt's HPS kit, or 2x 600 Watt's HPS kit? which would make the better i know, but which would be more practical, because 1000 watts asks to be cool'ed down hard, equals much of cooling fans must be installed too...
Walls will be covered in TENT white ...., i'll make auto-watering system too, because i will come there to watch it only 2 times in a month. Ohh, and should i use scrog? or simple way?

Thanks guys for any suggestions, advises, and answers!

Sorry for my bad english too... :D

Cigo! :blunt:
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