Bill Could Keep Local Governments From Prohibiting Medical Marijuana Shops


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A handful of legislators are saying local governments should not be able to prohibit medical marijuana shops from operating.

The determination was made after the Montana League of Cities and Towns asked legislators to provide clarification on the authority local governments have in regulating medical marijuana. The regulations for the drug vary from city to city, some allow its sale, others prohibit it, and some have placed a moratorium on medical marijuana businesses.

"I'm a patient. Please don't allow our cities and towns to prohibit me from getting my medicine. I am slowing losing my life and without this I possibly will," medical marijuana patient Beth Regennitter said.

The medical marijuana subcommittee is drafting a bill laying out the guidelines for municipalities. The draft must be approved by the full Children, Families, Health and Human Services Committee before it will be considered in the next legislative session.

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Source:KXLF - Butte | Home
Author:Marnee Banks (KXLH-Helena)
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Copyright:2000-2010 - Butte, MT
Website:KXLF - Butte | Bill could keep local governments from prohibiting medical marijuana shops
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