Bowls and Blunts


New Member
Wth is a bowl??? It's everywhere on the boards and I have no idea what it is. Does it have to be done with weed? Can it be done with hash?

And blunts: do you have to do them with weed? Can they be done with hash?

A bowl is the part of a pipe/bong/bubbler that you put weed in.
A bowl can also mean the weed that is in the pipe.
Ex:"Now I can start smoking because the BOWL is full"
"Man I am so high, I just smoked 6 bowls!"

As far as blunts go, they can be rolled with just weed or weed with hash sprinkled on top. I'm not sure, but I don't think that you can smoke a blunt with just hash in it though. Maybe you could with the real crumbly "fluffy" hash but I dunno.
Blunts are essentially marijuana cigars if you didn't know.

Isn't English such a confusing language? :allgood:
these are just different methods of smoking your weed...
ok but if I just prepare my hash as I would for a normal joint (spread over tobacco), cant I make a blunt with that? Or is it a waste? Otherwise I'll just wait till after xmas to try with marihuana...
ok but if I just prepare my hash as I would for a normal joint (spread over tobacco), cant I make a blunt with that?QUOTE] Normal joints dont have tobacco in them.[/QUOTE]

in europe and alot of other places a "normal" joint is usually tobbaco mixed with either weed or crumbled hash.
What does it have to do with anything??? I've got to mix my hash with smthing and I've found tobacco works fine for me. If I want to get high fast I just put more hash in the tobacco :cool:
Blackleaf said:
Just crumbling hash over tobacco is such a good damn waste... Learn to mix.

crumbled hash and tobacco is a mix. whenever you roll with anything but just weed you make a mix. you can have a tobacco/hash mix or weed/hash or tobbaco/weed or tobacco/weed/hash. i can think of a few other substances that make a good mix too.
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