C99 Grow


New Member
I'm new to growing. I can only hope to do things right. I put my plant to flower 0n 4/20/2013 I thought it was a awesome day to start the process. I have a 400w hps harvest pro ballast with a 400w hps bulb with hood
( yield-master 2 6" classic) that's what i have for my bloom setup. The plant itself is 1 foot 2 inches. Here are a couple pics
There are alot of white hairs coming out from nodes i guess and the plant is bushy , green and healthy. Im going to start to give bloom nutreints as of this friday and transplant to a bigger pot a 3 gallon one.Does any body have good grow tips?
I usually keep this plant outdoors. If weather conditions are bad I put in the closet and the light would be 3 feet up away from it.The sun here in Az hasn't killed my plant but i keep it in a little greenhouse in my garden.It gets good sunlight. its bushy now ill put better pics of when it has good size buds. Is lanky good or bad?
Three feet away is too much in this case. Make sure its as close as can get without feeling hot to your hand right at the bud sites. This will help shorten nodes and have more, thicker, dense buds. Stretching plants are weak, and low producers. Thick stalks equals tons of natural nutrient flow. With that 400w air cooled hood you should be able to get it up to 18inches from the canvas and be fine. She kinda looks heat stressed, do you have the closet ventilated?
I think I'm only going to use my setup when the weather calls for it. I want to grow this c99 strain outside, (i don't want to feel the electricity bill just for one plant) and see how dank the natural sun does to this beauty. As of now its still healthy and temperature here in PHX, AZ is at 100 f now and my hybrid plant c99 looks like its thriving. The nutrients I'm giving it are big bloom and tiger bloom along with Superlicious for taste. I'm now on Day 30 and this is the result for my bush. I'm going to upload some photos
Some really good pictures!
here is how the colas look like now and it seem to have a bunch of yellow spots on the every feeder nodes except on the bud and leaves on the bud their just crystaly. Does anyone recommend growbig and big bloom from fox farm? Ill post some more pics on how the leaves look like and plant itself
The results of day 30 of flowering. Does anyone know what this plant will yeild being at 13 inches and in a small pot quart size?
Looks like a bad case of spider mites. Your need a jewelers loop or some kind of 30 power magnification glass. look under the leaves. you should see them.( very small) and their eggs. I use SAFER SOAP and spray the whole plant thoroughly. underside of the leaves is most important!!!! repeat this process every 3 or 4 days, for 2 weeks that's when the eggs hatch. Don't wait to long they are killing you plants

You can also take a white paper plate and shake the plant over it.You should see little black dots on it. then look at them with magnification device.

Do some research on them. :peace:
Is this grow still alive?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

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