CA: Law Enforcement Opposes Marijuana Measure - But Is Outfunded, 40-To-1

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
A growing number of Southern California law enforcement organizations and leaders are voicing objections to a state ballot measure that would legalize recreational marijuana, saying it would make the state less safe.
San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos said the initiative to legalize marijuana "will do nothing to curb black-market activity in California."

He is one of several law enforcement officials who are actively opposing the measure, a group that includes the Riverside Sheriffs' Association, the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs and the California Police Chiefs Association.

Law enforcement remains one of the most influential voices when it comes to debating issues such as marijuana legalization, according to Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC. And their credibility doesn't seem to have declined, he said, despite recent controversies surrounding the relationship of police and community.

But marijuana legalization advocates have collected 40 times more campaign cash than opponents. And with fewer Republican leaders in California who can help raise money for causes backed by police, Schnur wonders if law enforcement's anti-pot megaphone will be big enough to be heard by voters.

Proposition 64 would allow Californians 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and grow as many as six plants. The measure would prohibit driving while impaired, giving cannabis to minors or consuming it in public. It also includes provisions for licensing, testing, labeling, advertising and local control over marijuana businesses.

But some public safety officials contend the measure doesn't go far enough to drive out illicit sales, keep roads safe and protect young people.

"We are concerned that this proposition is bad public policy and does nothing to prevent advertising and marketing to children and teenagers near parks, community centers and child-centric businesses," said Tom Dominguez, president of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, which recently donated $5,000 to the opposition campaign. "It is a danger to our youth and the communities we have been sworn to serve."

This week, the association joined 97 organizations, politicians and community leaders who are opposing Prop 64. They include Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckus, Costa Mesa Police Chief Robert Sharpnack and El Monte Police Chief David Reynoso.

"You hear people say it's not as bad as alcohol. But if you smoke marijuana and drive, it does impair you," said George Hofstetter, president of the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, which has donated $10,000 to oppose legalization. "I hope we can get the word out there, but there's a lot of support for it right now."

The anti-Prop. 64 Coalition for Responsible Drug Policies has raised $159,150. Proponents of legalization have raised $6.5 million, with more than three months to go before the Nov. 8 election.

The legalization effort lists 112 endorsers, including some law enforcement organizations, such as the National Latino Officers Association, Blacks in Law Enforcement of America and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Likewise, it includes a number of public safety leaders, though most who are speaking out in favor of marijuana are retired.

"It's time for law enforcement to admit that the drug war has been a failure," said Nick Morrow, a former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy who is advocating for Prop. 64. "Marijuana is not going to go away if you do nothing. I don't see the rationale in not regulating it."

Legalizing marijuana will generate significant tax revenue, but public safety officials are divided over whether California will come out ahead in the end.

Prop. 64 establishes a 15 percent sales tax, plus a tax by weight for growers. The Legislative Analyst's Office estimates the taxes will generate up to $1 billion each year, which will be directed to cover the cost of the program, invest in research, offset environmental impacts and boost law enforcement.

"Marijuana today is the largest cash crop in the state of California and it is untaxed, unregulated," said Jim Gray, a retired Orange County Superior Court judge who is campaigning for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson. "It's time that this change."

The Legislative Analyst's Office also reports that California law enforcement and justice systems might save $100 million each year if Prop. 64 passes, since minor possession would be legal and penalties would be reduced on a number of marijuana-related crimes.

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens questions claims that legalization will free up jail cells, pointing out that marijuana possession of an ounce or less was decriminalized six years ago.

"I don't have people in jail for possession of marijuana unless it's a lot of marijuana packaged for sales," she said.

Another point of contention is how legalization will impact California's multibillion-dollar black market.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Law Enforcement Opposes Marijuana Measure - But Is Outfunded, 40-To-1
Author: Brooke Edwards Staggs
Contact: (951) 684-1200
Photo Credit: Sam Gangwer
Website: The Press Enterprise
“I don’t have people in jail for possession of marijuana unless it’s a lot of marijuana packaged for sales”

Well there would be a lot less of these arrests if cannabis were legalized.
There are few greater examples of politicians feeding off of people's fear and ignorance than the prohibitionists 'protect the children' mantra.
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