CA: Woodland Gets Boost From State Marijuana Measure

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
The Woodland community has gained some unexpected benefits since state voters approved the adult use of recreational marijuana.

On Election Day, state voters approved a ballot measure allowing people 21 and older to legally possess up to an ounce of weed and grow six marijuana plants at home. Varying taxes are to be levied on sales, with the money deposited into the state's marijuana tax fund. It will take some time before these taxes are fully set up.

Locally, the community is already seeing a boost.

Lil' Shop of Growers, located at 40 N. East St., Suite F. has seen a 25 percent increase in business over last year thanks to the ballot measure. It is a hydroponics shop catering to marijuana growers in Woodland and the surrounding community.

According to owner Paul Fullerton Jr., many new patrons have come into the store looking to setup indoor grows of six plants or less. There has also been an increase in foot traffic from people stopping by to get information on the changing laws and how to legally grow marijuana.

"Overall my business is up around 25 percent over last year and it continues to climb," Fullerton asserted. "I feel that the numbers increased even before the election due to the fact growers were confident that it would pass."

With the increase in funds coming in, Fullerton has been able to hire more employees, increase employee wages, offer sick leave and holiday pay plus bonuses for big sales. His annual gross sales have increased from $136,000 to $700,000 in the past four years.

In an effort to spread the good fortune, Lil' Shop has officially adopted the Woodland Library Rose Club and their rose gardens. Fullerton reported that he is currently working on a proposal to one of his store's suppliers to donate hoses, sprayers, trimmers, cloning material and more. "We are going to have our marijuana cloners clone some of the rare strains that are found nowhere in the world," said Fullerton.

Royal Ag Services has already signed on to donate a truck to pump beneficial bacteria and fungi to every plant and Down to Earth Organics will be donating a pallet of rose and flower fertilizer. Fullerton and his staff are working on gathering $10,000 in supplies, to be donated and stored at Lil' Shop of Growers.

Fullerton's marijuana-growing patrons will be helping to get the Woodland Rose Club "up to par." "We are going to take that garden to the next level," the owner said proudly.

"The customers are so excited to help the community," Fullerton continued. "It's funny because some of the customers are looked down upon and yet they can't wait to donate their time for the community."

The Woodland Library Rose Club was founded in 1989 by a group of rose enthusiasts with a mission to help all rose lovers learn about growing the flowers. There are several gardens around the library grounds at 250 1st St. in Woodland.

Currently the gardens have around 600 varieties of roses.

Fullerton hopes to begin work on the Rose Garden in February or early March 2017.

Lil' Shop has also made donations to the Fire Relief Fund, Meals on Wheels, Pioneer High School, Woodland High School, Arbuckle High School, Woodland Community College, De LaSalle High School, Yolo County Sheriffs Department and others.

"We are fine with our financial donations, but we want to do more," Fullerton asserted, "something more hands on to show the community what a grow store can do as well as the industry."


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Woodland Gets Boost From State Marijuana Measure
Author: Lauren King
Contact: (530) 406-6230
Photo Credit: Iriana Shiyan
Website: Daily Democrat
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