Can I go 12/12 now?


New Member
This is my first grow. I was going to veg these for four weeks, but I am really concerned about space. These are at three weeks.

Is there any reason I shouldn't start 12/12 now?

I appreciate any help.
Well, is it possible for you to raise that big thing lol? Cuz your gonna need to, when plants flower they grow vertically no matter what you try to do. But as for vegging, you want like 6 weeks under your belt. Theres no reason not to let them get a little bushier(unless you cannot raise your spaceship there) more medicine!!
Yes, the "spaceship" can go up another four feet or so. It goes up about an inch every couple of days as it is.
I am more concerned about horizontal space. I have six plants in a 3 x 4 area. Should I limit it to maybe three, and keep the other three in veg, or is that enough room to take all six to harvest?
Hey stoneski, always remember that your plant will double or tripple in size during the flowering stage.I switch mine when their about a foot tall and they end up around 2 1/2 ft tall to 3ft.
You can go 12/12 from seed SOG style if you like. Vegging doesn't make a hell of a lot of difference unless you're a commercial grower looking for big yields.
Yes, the "spaceship" can go up another four feet or so. It goes up about an inch every couple of days as it is.
I am more concerned about horizontal space. I have six plants in a 3 x 4 area. Should I limit it to maybe three, and keep the other three in veg, or is that enough room to take all six to harvest?

If you have the light and ventilation for the full 3'x4', those 6 plants .... no problem.

Those look pure, or a very high% Indica. They aren't going to stretch a bunch, if you flip right.

I would veg them more. Have you topped them yet? What size pots are those?

Don't shoot your wad putting those into flower too quick. With your space, they can be grown out a good bit more.

If you have the light and ventilation for the full 3'x4', those 6 plants .... no problem.

Those look pure, or a very high% Indica. They aren't going to stretch a bunch, if you flip right.

I would veg them more. Have you topped them yet? What size pots are those?

Don't shoot your wad putting those into flower too quick. With your space, they can be grown out a good bit more.


I agree, a good long veg can be worth while, more bushier the better is what i like to say. My best ever grow was with 4 plants in a 4x4 space, topped and very bushy. The longer the veg the more leaf your plants will have overall, ive personally found the more leaf growth you have the less problems you will have down the line, and even more bud growth. I think you should wanna fill that space 50% before you even go into flowering.
If you have the light and ventilation for the full 3'x4', those 6 plants .... no problem.

Those look pure, or a very high% Indica. They aren't going to stretch a bunch, if you flip right.

I would veg them more. Have you topped them yet? What size pots are those?

Don't shoot your wad putting those into flower too quick. With your space, they can be grown out a good bit more.


What do you mean by 'flip right'? Is there a set of actions i'd need to take to put my plants into flower? I thought just changing to 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness, and changing the lights if necessary (in my case with CFLs changing from 6500K to 2700K)?

Sorry to hijack your thread :p
Your plants look good though, and I personally would let them veg a little more if I were you ... but i'm not so its your call :)
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