can I leave the door opened


New Member
Hello, I have 5 plants under 400 hps in closet . My problem is it's running 85 with the door opened 2 inches . I really want it to be 75 to 80 would it be ok to open door all the way?? I have tons of air circulation in there. Thanks:smokin:
Yeah you can leave the door open, as long as you don't have cats or dogs or are worried about security.
But what happens during flowering, when you need total darkness for 12 hrs every 24?
What you need is flo-thru ventilation, which means cutting holes and installing intake and exhaust fans.
Fresh air is essential to marijuana growth. Not just for temp. control but pot needs fresh air, the more the better.
Also, depending on where you live, keeping the door closed 12 hrs. per 24 with no ventilation can cause a problem with mold.
Having a fan on inside with the door closed just means the same stale moist air blows around. It doesn't cool the air or provide fresh air.
It's not expensive. You can use bathroom exhaust-type fans ($13 at home depot). If you don't want to cut holes in the existing door you can remove it and use a replacement door or make one out of plywood.
Thanks! It's now down to 80. My lights are on from 530 am to 1130 pm sooo when lights are off I'm sleeping too. Yes I have 4 cats and a mini daushaund and their dead meat if they touch them....just kidding of coarse,,hehe. They don't bother with them. Thanks again cause someone else said no cause you loose too much light? Always nive to get second opinion:smokin:
Remember, light--any light--during the 12 hours of the dark cycle will fuck up your plants, even the light of 1 candle.
It will either prevent them from budding or turn them into herm.'s.
That's soooooo funny cause I have a/c going all day and night so it's not hot inside. It's ok though cause I've leave the door opened all day and night and my heats at a steady 82. So they should be fine. I have 3 going good but it's my first time so I don't know what to expect? Their 3 inches at 2 weeks , have lots of leaves but are small, must be the genes..........:smokin:
A. If your plants are 3" tall after 2 weeks something is very wrong. Poor ventikation could be one of the problems.

B. And like I posted earlier, how are you going to provide ventilation during flowering?
Hi! It can't be ventilation cause there's tons of it!!! The door is always opened with a fan inside the room and one blowing just outside of the door and another one just in the hallway blowing the a/c into the room so it can't be that. I think I watered tooo much to be honest and my light was too far from the plants. I have a 400 hps that was 5 feet from them but now I got it a foot from them now. When it comes to flowering I'll just do what I'm doing now and keep door opened all the time.:smokin:
Unless you live in a cave with no light anywhere else but the growroom, you cannot grow buds if you leave the door open.
As I mentioned, for marijuana to flower, you need to cut off ALL LIGHT for 12 hours in a row every 24 hours.
During the dark cycle, any light--a t.v. in the next room, the tiny red light on a power strip, a candle--can and will prevent budding or turn your girls into herm's.
Hi, let me explain my set's in my bedroom closet so heres how it goes the lights come on at 6 am till 12pm so when I sleep they sleep. Next when flowering comes I'll turn them on at 6am till 6pm which lots of air will get into room , then when lights go off the bedroom door will be closed till I go to bed then I'll open all doors like now so it shouldn't be a problem. I have blinds on windows with foil on top taped to wall than a thick blanket over both nailed to the wall so no light gets in. Does this sound ok to you....:smokin:
Kctrue Rangerdanger is trying to help you out here lol. What he is saying is opening that door is no good. Even if you close the door for flowering you are still losing light during budding by leaving it open and in budding you want all the ligt you can get. More light more bud! I think what he would like to see you do here is put in a intake and exauste system. This is really a must because you need the exauste to get out hot humid air. not having the proper ventalation leaves you open for fungi and pest problems. Also having to be home to shut that door and get up to open it is going to get old trsut me on that i get up at 7 to put a plant outside everyday and have to be home by 7 to put it into dark. Not fun. You would really be helping yourself out here by doing what rangerdanger suggested. Rule of thumb on the light is put your hand underneath if its uncomfertable to you then it will be to them too.
Hi there! I really do appreciate Rangers and yours help bigtime!, but he told me it was ok to have the door opened as long as animals and security wasn't an issue ( which it's not ) I'm also on a timer so that's not an issue. I'm disable and don't leave my house much and no one ever comes in my place soooooo if I can just leave the door opened and not have to cut plywood and shop I'd be ok with that. BUTTTTTTTT if I need to and won't get bud unless I put the door in than I will. It's just easier for me to keep door opened.
Oh you'll get bud no matter what. The reason why I say to shut the door is the door should be flat white or some other reflective surface. Having is shut makes the light bounce back to the plants meaning just that much more light that much more bud. The reason why I say to put in a exhaust and intake is a exhaust will suck out hot air humid air of the 400 light helping to keep the grow room cooler and lowering the humidity. A intake would bring in fresh air which mean fresh co 2 for your pants. In every book I have read they told me the people who have the most problem with pest and fungi's are the ones who's grow room doesn't have good ventilation. They have drill bits that will cut a 4 inch hole in plywood in like 30 sec's We did this at my house also cut through the drywall no prob. You can grow without putting in any type of vent system and leaving the door open make sure no light gets in during dark hours of flowering though, but you wont be giving your plants the best grow environment you can
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