Can I Make Cannabutter From Fresh Bud & Trim?

I plan on making butter as well. I just finished a harvest and put all my trim and popcorn buds in a container and put it in the freezer fresh. I will decarb it all on cookie sheets first. This will dry the material so no need to dry and cure prior to making butter... at least that's what I have read.
I like the oil option Blew posted as well. Maybe next time I will give that a go.
Do you put the frozen material straight into the oven to decarb, or defrost first?
1. You probably don't need to cure, but I would highly recommend drying the bud first. At least for 3 or 4 days.
2. You need to decarb (bake) your weed to active it before infusing, so fresh cuttings won't work very well.
3. Probably not necessary, but the more leaves there are, the more "grassy" the butter/oil will taste.
4. You can make butter anytime after the drying and decarbing steps.

I'm not an expert, but have made many batches of butters and oils for baking edibles. Just my opinion. :Namaste:
howdy BeezLuiz, thank you for the helpful info you gave someone on processing cannabis after harvesting! You just saved me from wasting any product. Thank you for posting
Oh I do like honey! I will have to look into infusing honey for sure. I have been talking with my wife a lot lately about getting some hives and try my hand at bee keeping. My thoughts are why not grow an outdoor crop of cannabis around a beehive. I would like to think that perhaps some of the medicinal properties of the plant might be carried over to the honey. I doubt it would get you high even if you were to bring the honey up to temperature for decarb but it might make a food that is already a super food into a super duper food lol.
I’ve been a beekeeper for over 15 years.
Cannabis is wind pollenated. Bees don’t have any real interest in marijuana flowers at any stage, they produce almost no nectar. Only if the hive were starved for pollen would there be a chance that the workers would take cannabis pollen (which is produced by only male cannabis plants, of course) into the hive, and no trichomes. The pollen is kept separately in the hive, and, with the exception of royal jelly, isn’t mixed with honey. I’ve eaten wildflower pollen directly from cells in the hive and it is bitter and astringent tasing, not pleasant. Even if a few trichomes incidentally make it into the hive, not likely it will bind with honey which contains no fat, and the trichs will not have been decarbed.
To infuse honey (in the home kitchen) would be challenging and require a lot of lecithin, if it is possible at all. I haven’t tried. I like my honey raw. I have mixed powdered decarbed flower with crystallized and creamed honey for a spread that provides a moderate psychoactive effect. Even then you have to make a point of eating something very fatty with it to drive the cannabinoids into your liver.
For most cannabis strains I have found that 60 grams of bud and sugar leaves decarb'd, then medium fine grind into 1 pound of butter with 4 cups of water simmered for 5 to 6 hours will yield approximately 2 batches of cookies (48 each).
I strain the butter through a small mesh collander into a glass storage container and refrigerate the liquid overnight. The butter will rise to top and harden. Expect to loose butter volume and weight.
For storage I cut in half, double wrap, label, and freeze.

1 half of the butter softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 eggs
Mix well...
3 and a half cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 half cup raisins
1 half cup chocolate chips ( or other flavours)
Mix well
Golf ball sized dough formed to cookie
Oven preheated to 350F
1 tray at a time...10 to 12 minutes
Should get 48...Depending on your interpretation of a golf ball...
1 cookie should do it but give it an hour before you try a second.
I have found this the easiest way to portion control my edible.
My first try I did 2 and and got a serious couch lock...cheers
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
Great information
Can you use freshly cut for anything? Asking because my 89 yr old dad is in hospice and not sleeping well & pain control. He won’t smoke but anything edible I’m wanting to try
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
I would love to have your method to make cannabis butter. I taught that when you are making cannabis butter the process was decarb the buds.
Thank you very much
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
Love you to share you slow cooked butter
howdy BeezLuiz, thank you for the helpful info you gave someone on processing cannabis after harvesting! You just saved me from wasting any product. Thank you for posting
Do we need to decarb? I taught that doing the cannabis butter would do the decarb ... I use coconut oil.
Would you share your recipe?
Thank you
That's a very good question. Mostly we do decarboxylation first, to convert aTHC to THC. I do wonder though if fresh bud would decarboxylate while being held in the hot oil or butter for several hours.

Good luck with this. I'm very interested in what others might have to say :thumb:
Hello, I have never decarbed mine before to make butter and they turn out great. I use 1oz of trim per stick of butter in a crock pot at 200 degrees. I usually use 4 sticks of butter, 4 oz of trim and enough water to soak it all really well. I started out at 8 hours at 200 in the crock pot then went down to 4. I think it is mostly how long it takes your crock pot to reach temp. I bet it probably doesn't need to be heated for more than a hour after it reaches 200. The lowest setting on mine is 200 or I would try it at 180 or 190. I end up getting between 3 and 3 1/2 sticks worth of pretty potent butter
I try to "use everything but the squeal" (as was formerly said about the Chicago stockyards.) 4 plants are plenty for what I do.

1. The nugs with sugar leaves are dried in a hanging rack-this loses fewer trichomes than merely hanging.
2. Nugs and trim are separated after drying then cured for 1-2 months, nugs to smoke or vape, trim to make canna butter-MBM.
3. Trim may also be sifted for kief.
4. Fresh fan leaves and any nugs not yet harvested go right into the freezer. After a few hours it is ready for bubble hash processing. Fresh leaves have produced better than the dried material and of course much quicker. DON'T WASTE THIS GOOD MATERIAL!
5. If using MBM it helps to reduce the volume of material processed. The best way to do this is decarb the trim and nugs then break into very smal pieces before inserting into the machine.

The 4 plants I grew this year (3 GG and 1 Afghan Kush) have produced 6+ lbs of nugs and trim, a quantity of kief, and what promises to be several ounces of bubble hash to join the 3 oz already processed. I'll prepare the canna butter and some hash by decarbing nugs, trim and/or hash at 225F for 30 min. I use a large amount of decarb for my edibles so reducing the volume is key.

Pick your strain carefully for trichomes and grow as much as you can handle and your preparing edibles will go well.
Hi tess. I am also going to use all the plant. I do my cannabis butter with coconut oil. I never did cannabis oil but I do have a magic machine ( a bit intimidated , I have to admit). I read that people decarb before doing butter but I taught the process of making the cannabis butter was also decarbonised the buds. I learned that I have to put the stove at 200f for 5 hours, let it cool down ( do not open to keep all terpenes and then cook it again at same temperature for same amount of time. I am in canada so I did have 4 plants but one was a male... I took off the leafs and then hang it to dry and it is taking a long time, more that 2 weeks so far and yes it is in a place that is ventilated... I check no mold... very sticky. Just wondering if the stickiness is going to "go away" when the are dry... I never growed before so I do not know. I will let degrade some of the buds to get cbn to do cannabis butter with thc and cbn. Thank you very much.
No matter really - remember that curred product is different than fresh - properly cure = increased terpene affect - thc remains the same, For reference - Frenchy (the hash man) state's - if you are making hash/kief let your plant get very, very ripe before shaking it or bubbling it for product
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
can you share your process... I'm a newbie
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
how is your butter made ? yes i use trim and rest of plant . no buds . just shake
I've been making butter from the plants I grow for many years. My process comes from voracious reading. There are lots of different ways and ideas out there but this is what works for me.

First, fresh product for making butter is simply a no go.

BeezLuiz's advice above is right on in my experience.

I harvest my plants whole, hang them to dry for the required time as if harvesting for bud. Usually takes around 5 - 10 days with optimum conditions... 60 - 70 degrees F, Humidity 45 - 50 %, small fan to circulate air, dark room.

I do not cure.

Once dry I process the entire plant minus the large stalks and large fan leaves. My plants are female and full of bud and I toss the whole bunch together.

I decarboxylate in batches so I might weigh out around 80 - 100 grams of my dried and cut up plant, spread it on a baking tray, pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 F.

I store just as you would bud... in sealed mason jars, dark cool cupboard. I write on the mason jar lid the date of decarb and the weight.

My butter is so easy to make... I just use a slow cooker/crock pot. If you are at all interested in how I make it I would be happy to share.

There's lots and lots of info out there posted by experienced canna butter makers.

It took me many trays of cookies to understand potency and at first my baking would cause couch-lock. I have it figured out now.

Good luck! Have fun (p.s. if you know anyone throwing out the trim ask for it... trim makes good butter even if there is no bud in it.)
Would love the recipe.
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