Can You Enable Animated Avatars?

Can you enable animated avatars, please, increase the size slightly, and lose the "circular" restriction that causes us to either lose a big chunk of the image or to further shrink it until its boundary fits within a circle?

The answer is probably going to be, "No," because of the increased bandwidth. Which is understandable, but I thought I would make the request anyway. I suppose it's possible that you have not already done so simply because no one has yet asked you to (so I did).

This next part is somewhat painful to type, lol, but: If you wanted to make it an optional feature that a person could activate by paying a small fee (up to ten dollars per year), that would be okay, too. I'm glad that you have kept the forum free for all of us to use and, therefore, would be distressed if you created a few "semi-private areas" that one had to pay extra in order to access. But the lack of an animated avatar would in no way prevent the member from reading/posting - and it would add ever so slightly to the amount of data being transferred if a member had one - so that would work for me. Others as well, probably (IMHO), even if they personally did not wish to take advantage of the option.

Thank you for your consideration (and for everything else!).
I'm pretty sure it's not possible. Having said that, I will ask our Webmaster. He is away on a break currently, back next week.

@Marc Ocean

Thanks for your patience, TS.
You're welcome, and thank you.
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