Canada - It's So Cute! He's Going After Junior's Backpack!


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Toronto - A Canadian couple has launched a business offering worried parents or concerned employers private drug-detection services that will search homes and offices for everything from marijuana to heroin.

Russ Rathy of Pense, Saskatchewan, started the home-based business, Crusader Resources, along with his wife, after buying a young German shepherd trained to sniff out drugs.

The dog, named Alis Vicona, cost C$20,000 ($16,000) and can detect drugs or the residue of drugs in buildings or on clothing, even after 30 days.

"If you suspect your kids of drug use, this is one way to make sure there's no drugs in the house," Russ Rathy, 39, told Reuters from his home near the western province's capital of Regina.

"Obviously it gives you a little more leeway rather than waiting for them to become an addict and put them in rehabilitation -- or being picked up by the police and now they have a criminal record and their future is pretty much shot with that."

Once the dog detects drugs, Rathy said it is up to the client to decide what the consequences should be.

"Whether they contact police or flush it down the toilet, it's left up to them," he said. "We'll obviously make recommendations to call authorities."

Rathy, who says they started the business more out of parental concerns than a bid to make money, charges only C$20 ($16) for the search of a private home or vehicle.

For businesses it costs a bit more, depending on the frequency of searches and the length of the contract.

He uses a portion of the business income to fund free drug awareness presentations at schools and non-profit organizations.

Copyright: Reuters 2005.
Website: Reuters | Breaking International News & Views
Thats nice. Have a German shepherd attack your kids if they detect drugs on them.
All I can say is that's some fucked up shit. I'm fucking glad that my mom is cool enough not to bother with that. :cool:
If my parents were that worried about me having drugs I would just tell her

Maybe he can find the bags I lost in my room when I was drunk!
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