Cannabis has amazing powers on me....


New Member
Long story short, I was gonna buy some ecstasy to try for the first time. I was supposed to have gotten it last night, but didnt because the dude couldnt pull thru. So I smoked some herb and it changed my mind dramatically about takin the x. I love herb cuz it makes me make smarter decisions and I think thats fucking awesome. :peace: :smokin:
Well, when I was around 13, I was drinking a shitload... weed steered me away from eventual alcoholism... Kinda sad I was so young...
i totally understand bro... weed gives me the amazing ability to eat non stop, sit on my ass and play video games, and it enhances my laziness 10 fold!!!
hell yes sptyoty, lol. well yeah weed is the only thing i found appealing. the only other thing i have ever wanted to try is acid but i wont, i stick to the ganja. but yeah only other things i have done is liquer and tabacco. i drink occasionally but not really, and i hate tabacco but i have been known to smoke a black and mild.
word. I've experimented with a few drugs that shall remain nameless for the sake of upholding the rules here... but none can treat me the way Mary does... which is why i stick to weed. I have the occasional dap every now and then (if my friends offer them) and sometimes a cig when im really high and/or drunk, but thats it. I'm done with the other shit, just not worth it to me.
Ive taken just about everything and its not worth it at all serously you will just want to be high all the time(not talking pot here) and eventually you will come down hard and it wont stop for a long time and you will never be the same person again it will change your life and usually not for the good.Just stick with pot and booze not im trying to encourage but having a alcohol problem is alot healtheir than having a drug problem not to mention all the shit that will enventually pump through your body from causing chemical imbalances in you brain.Plus drugs will make everything hard especially work (well except for S**** that actually makes you work better) because all you will being think about is when your next line,smoke,hit is gonna be.
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