Cannabis Lollipops


New Member
Okay so I'm out of green and all I have are these 2 cannabis lollipops. I just had one of them and I feel absolutely nothing! They came from a dispensary so I imagine they should be my question is how long is it supposed to take before it kicks in?
Most edibles take 45-90 minutes to take effect, depending on your metabolism and the type of edible it is.

That's my experience, anyway.
Hey don't feel bad if you smoke much you usually wont! I've only once got off on an edible and it was a 4 way !! I'll try again when I get to make my own canna butter , and set my own dosage.... :loopy:
I've read a few good cannabis cookbooks and one thing they stress is that the vehicle the cannabis is in is important.

Here's what I've learned:

When oil or fats are ingested, the liver secretes bile. The bile aids in the digestion and absorption of fats. But, if cannabis is taken into the system without the presence of fat, there may not be enough bile secreted to effectively assimilate enough of the THC into your system.

I don't know what your lollipop was made of, but I thought they made them from sugar + flavoring. No fat... hard candy doesn't have fat, right? That could be the entire issue, right there.
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