Cannabis Use Eases Pain - Reduces Disease Progression But Criminalizes 1 In 2


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Cannabis has the potential to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis as well as limiting the progression of the disease, according to an expert opinion paper published by the US National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

However, due to the legal status of cannabis the Society stopped short of recommending that MS patients use homegrown variants of the drug medicinally.

As is only to be expected a respected medical organisation like the MS Society is unlikely to recommend patients break the law.
Even if doing so is liable to bring benefits in quality of life for more than one in two MS patients.

"Although it is clear that cannabinoids have potential both for the management of MS symptoms such as pain and spasticity, as well as for neuroprotection, the Society cannot at this time recommend that medical marijuana be made widely available to people with MS for symptom management, the Society concludes."

"This situation might change, should better data become available that clearly demonstrate benefit."

"The Society recommends that future clinical trials focus on methods of cannabinoid administration that deliver the drug to the bloodstream rapidly, such as vapourization. "

"The Society also recommends clinical trials be performed to investigate and quantify cannabis and its potential to slow disease progression, citing 'anecdotal reports from patients' that cannabis reduces the frequency of their MS attacks."

Investigators at Plymouth's Peninsula Medical School in Britain recently announced that they had recruited nearly 500 MS patients for a three-year clinical trial assessing whether the use of oral THC can significantly slow the onset of multiple sclerosis.

Clinical data reported in 2006 from an extended open-label study of 167 multiple sclerosis patients found that the use of whole plant cannabinoid extracts relieved symptoms of pain, spasticity, and bladder incontinence for an extended period of treatment (mean duration of study participants was 434 days) without requiring subjects to increase their dose.

Results from a separate two-year open label extension trial in 2007 also reported that the administration of cannabis extracts was associated with long-term reductions in neuropathic pain in select MS patients.

On average, patients in the study required fewer daily doses of the drug and reported lower median pain scores the longer they took it.

Commenting on the MS Society report, NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said: 'The MS Society's recommendations are a positive step, but they don't go far enough. Surveys indicate that as many as one out of two MS patients use cannabis therapeutically, yet this report does nothing to challenge these patients legal status as criminals.

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed: 420 MAGAZINE
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Copyright: 2010
Website:Cannabis News - Cannabis Use Eases Pain - Reduces Disease Progression but Criminalizes 1 in 2
Man is in a sad state when we criminalize the sick for taking the only effective medicine. we are slaves to big pharm and big everything else. We need to break our chains and it's not going to be easy.
There currently is a program setup where Dr.s are getting injectable cannabis extracts and or synthetics in an injectable form coming to at least one MS patient I know once a week.
So there is something to tell your friend.

They also said the patient had to get onto Federally funded health pay as they were like $6,000 a month, so that expensive Medical Grade Cannabis is a deal.
She has an internal pump that gives her some meds automatically at certain times. Like right before bed, she gets something to help with the spasticity in her legs during the night and then it quits at some time in the morning. She has to go refill it every six months. But she doctors herself as often as she needs. Lovely person.
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