Catching My Green Thumb!


New Member
so i just completed a failed attempt to grow 8 seedlings (all bagseed) which was pretty funny since it was my first grow. they were going onto their 2nd week and looking great, then 4 of them came to their demise... :rip: my baby cat "little man" ate the tops and my cat skyler ate the roots, i swear i do feed them, and the other four i killed them with too much love and water and nutes and light burn... oops! so this time around ima adjust myself no nutes, water every 3 days or dry and well lighting is still effy but working 4/23w cfls for 2 plants and about 2-3 inches away from the plant. ph is great temp is 75f, i think im good. so this is the start of my second grow.... wish me luck! :popcorn:

GERM: Dec. 22,2012

PLANTED: Dec. 25,2012

First Sprout: Dec. 27,2012

Today: Dec 28,2012

Hey quick update, plants still looking good. I had to raise the lights cuz they were to close they were making my girls hot! Fire! lol anyway heres some pics.




Some more update pics later tonight these pics were from two days ago

These are of today. Im getting brown dry tips is it the light or what. no nutes and changed the pot ph has been steady temp a little off but been trying to keep it 75 but its been cold so heater comes on. So hmmm...
heres another update ive been kinda concern about the growth rate only due to seeing other grows. been having a bit of brown dry spots on the tips of the first leaves but not on the new growth. ive also started 2 more seedlings yesterday one has already popped out and l0oking great the other was growing its roots off the side so i fixed it and it should be popping out of the soil soon too. any friendly suggestions are welcomed thank you...










This looks interesting, I will follow along for sure!
What soil did you start out with?

So you will have 3 plants now? All of them will be underneath four 23 watt CFL's, correct?

Keep it green =):peace:
This looks interesting, I will follow along for sure!
What soil did you start out with?

So you will have 3 plants now? All of them will be underneath four 23 watt CFL's, correct?

Keep it green =):peace:

i started with miracle grow all purpose. i have 4 plants and i recently added 2 more 23watt cfls so i have 6 in total. i have a question for whoever reads this... can i start lst or should i wait and is it ok to start nutes starting 3rd week which is this friday
i started with miracle grow all purpose. i have 4 plants and i recently added 2 more 23watt cfls so i have 6 in total. i have a question for whoever reads this... can i start lst or should i wait and is it ok to start nutes starting 3rd week which is this friday

I use all purpose miracle grow a lot too, and it contains MANY nutrients already, enough for multiple months of vegetating. So I would say to definitely refrain from adding nutrients until the plant is a lot bigger and healthier.

Also, as for LST, I would wait a little while as well.
updates!!! i only took pics of the main plant only cuz i got lazy and didnt want to take pics of the other ones. :) but my plants are looking good and green one plant was growing very slow so i chopped it now i have one main plant and the 2 new seedlings... tell me what ya think!





Seems like it spent a lot of energy stretching its stem rather than growing true leaves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is day 15 from germination right? Just wondering. But all in all, looks like the main plant is quite healthier than it was before. Take pics of the other seedlings as they get bigger =)
so should i get the lights closer??? i heard that you can put the lights right be side the plant about 2-3 away from each other and they absorb the light rays better or some s*t like that, will that be a better option to get all the light to the plant???
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