CFL Bulbs - Week 1 Veg


New Member
So this is the first time I'm growing marijuana with the intention of hopefully getting, at the very least, some decent quality bud. I germinated a seed that I very luckily happened to find in my herb. It's the first and only seed that I've ever found in my connects weed, and it happens to be Bubblegum O.G. I started this from seed(obviously) and planted it about 10 days ago. I'm using a 23 watt 2700k bulb right now, at 24 hrs of light. I may go 18/6 every other day. I'm probably going to buy a smaller grow tent in the next few days and hopefully all works out. Here are some pics so far. The first was taken on May 1st, the 2nd was taken 3 days later, in the morn and then at night. I'll try to keep this updated as I progress. Thanks for all of the great info that so many of you offer on this site. Peace & Love, Believf.

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I left out a few bits of information & can't/don't know how to edit my original post. So I did germinate my seed, Bubblegum OG, of which I had only one (A VERY Lucky Find). I left it in damp paper towel in a small container, and then put in a bottom drawer, nice and dark. After about 3 days there was a tiny tail coming through the seed; At this point I Should Have planted it. Instead, my naivete` showed it's face and I figured that I'd wait one more day. Germinating seeds is usually always done in a hidden, or at least very dark space. Due to this I actually forgot about the seed for two more days. When I finally remembered I immediately went to check it out and, Alas, it had a long, corkscrew stem and tiny round leaves. I figured that I had basically F'd it up and drained most of it's energy. With nothing to lose I went ahead and at first planted it in with another non-cannabis plant because of the large pot it was in. After one day I changed my mind and decided to plant it in another new, but Much smaller pot (Figure 1) and put it in my window. This lasted for two more days when I noticed that the plant was stretching and leaning too much and it starting to look like it might not make it. Finally, I took the little one and very gently transferred it into another, bigger pot. When I flipped the seedling out I noticed the root was already popping out of the bottom soil a decent amount, so the timing was good. At this point I decided to use a CFL bulb instead of the Sun(Window Indoors)because I didn't want stretching and I wanted the plant to get as much light and energy as possible. When I transferred that last time I covered up much of the stem, allowing only about an inch above soil. I also used Miracle Grow Potting Soil(I know, I know) because I had a full bag left from last year which I never really used. The plant is doing well so far, fingers crossed. I'm only watering when dry and, for now, just started alternating between 24/0 and 19/5 or 18/6 for light. At this point I think I'm going to again transfer her into her final pot. I should be able to just slide out the root ball/soil and put it into another container with soil already on the bottom, hold it in the middle and fill in the sides, which worked great last time. She should still be young enough to not go into shock, especially because her original soil and space hasn't been compromised. Regardless of the outcome, this is all a learning experience that is also enjoyable. Any questions or comments?
looks good so far!! but i recommend that you switch out some cfls for some blue 6500K for veg and use the warm 2700k for flowering otherwise keep it up!
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