Choosing lights? 1st timer

Kush Killer

New Member
ok im a first timer grower getting things in order to give it a go, i have been doing hours upon hours of reading and researchin, and have come to conclusion that led lightin is best way to go... am i correct?

i plan to do a 4x4 veg room and 4x4 flower room i wanted to use led for both. but have heeard conflicting thngs.. that theres 2 type of led grow lights one for flowering and one for veg? is this true?

anyhow i plan to do a 2 week harvest after everything is setup and dialed in. usin dwc drip setup, 1 4x4 for moms, the other for flowering and a homemade probably 4x4 as well clone room.
Without knowing all your requirements, that's hard to answer yes or no. But if you have done your research and have come to that conclusion, I am sure a LED will serve you well. You will always have the hard core "HID or nothing" opponents but it's proven technology and if you stick with reputable company's you won't go wrong. Most grows I have seen are with one light and they seem to produce well from veg to bud. Logic would follow that two different lights for veg and flower would be better, but I can't answer that one definitively. Maybe someone else will chime in on that.
There are 3 types of lights in all lighting...1st blue spectrum..2nd red spectrum...3rd all is for is for flower...all is for veg and i use red and blue...more blue for veg..more red for flow...all spectrum is too expensive for me...hope that put you on the right track..and i use cfls..
Hey KushKiller

I just started my first grow with LED's I am using the Diamond Series from Advanced LED. I am fairly sure they are a sponsor. The diamond series have two switches, one will give you mostly the blue lights which are used primarily to enhance veg growth. The other switch is for mostly the red lights .. great for flowering. Or you can run both and have the full rainbow of spectrum's.

I am not the most knowledgeable about the LED's there are others far more educated on them. DO a search for SteveHman, magic-beans, and I think there are some others. But I remember those two off the top of my head are doing some great journals using the LED's.. and answering all of our questions along the way.. they have been super helpful, and kind enough to take time to help. I think MagicBeans is currently having some time issues.. (3 jobs, and trying to grow...) but they still seem to enjoy helping.
great thanks for the replys, yeah anyone have recommendation on size fixtures i should use? as i said ill be running 1 4x4 veg and 1 4x4 flower and clones on cfls. i was thinking 2 90watt ufo fixtures.. but not sure exactly
This is Stevehman's suggestions and he is on top of his game when it comes to growing with LED's.

4x4 four 180-240 watt units, a pair of 300-400 watt units or a single 600+ unit

You can check out the complete thread here if you want to read the whole thread. I'd suggest it, good reading.

Stevehman's LED buyer's guide

Good luck to you!
Try checking out our GS600 Pro-Bloom. 600W Pro-Bloom LED Grow Light | Grow Stealth LED | 3W LED Grow Lights

Also our website is FULL of information about our spectrum technology and why our lights truly are the best available. BEWARE of lighting companies that provide little data about their products and 1 year warranties as these units simply aren't built to last.

Our lights come with a 3 year warranty, and we can do this because our lights are made will all quality components.

If you have any questions about our lights or why our spectrum is the best just ask!
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