Cleaning your bong

Crushed egg shells and lots of shaking. Nature's abrasive is cool :Rasta: . I have also used epsom salts and iso 91% :Rasta:
im confused. so do you just pour the alcohol in there and let it sit or do you gotta scrub or what?
i dont think my hand will fit in my bong...
I can't say what alcohol would do to an acrylic bong because I only have smoked out of glass pieces or rolled joints all my life. I use the eggshells with alcohol inside my glass bong and shake. Knowing that many an elderly soak their equally brittle bones in epsom salts, I doubt any damage would be done to an acrylic bong. Science tells us that isopropyl alcohol evaporates cleanly and leaves no residue or smell, so if you're sketchy about using the bong after a good alcohol soak, let it sit to dry before lighting up. could try my suggestion and not have to worry about scratching up the inside. And there is no scrubbing and it won't damage your bong because it's ment for glass, plastic and acrylics. But that's just me. I clean my bong once every couple days to keep it tasting fresh so I don't want to have to do the whole soak and scrub thing. However you do it I'm just glad there there are so many out there that care enough about he great taste of pot to clean their bong so that they can enjoy it to the fullest.

Wow that was way too much energy around cleaning, I think I just might be fucked up!

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