Cloning autoflowers

Not experianced in autoflowers, but 2 be honest from what i do know and heard (read) it isnt impossable but for the trouble and future effects... Just find a good supply of seeds!! The growing time of them is short enough without having cuttings. But would be intersted how it is done. Hope u find sucess in this though.
Cloning of the ruderalis strains is not possible due to the plant flowering because of age rather than light cycle. While the clones may take root early on, the roots will not develop enough to support the demands of flowering. If you are looking to clone, I would suggest you move past the auto flowering and into the wide-wide world of Indica/Sativa. Although these flower more slowly, they are the best candidates for cloning as flowering can be controlled with light so as to give the roots enough time to grow and the clones to veg enough be large enough for a good yield before flowering starts.
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