CO: Pueblo County Marijuana Dispensaries To Use PSAs To Educate Consumers

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
That request of responsible consumption is no longer just for those who drink alcohol.

With the help of a Denver-based technology and software company, the Pueblo County commissioners are looking to create public service announcements that would not only convey that message, but also educate marijuana consumers at the point of sale.

"We are discussing a new plan amongst Pueblo County to encourage and also place public service announcements in (marijuana) dispensaries talking about consumption and talking about the regulations, about when people can consume and also letting folks know that they shouldn't be consuming before driving," Commissioner Sal Pace said.

Representatives from met with the county commission Wednesday during a work session to explain what they could provide in the way of digital public services.

"The citizens of Pueblo spoke loud and clear that they want regulated, licensed cannabis in our community, but part of having licensed cannabis is having a message of safe use and also responsible use," Pace said.

"And we as commissioners want to take a public stand and use this platform that is innovative and across dispensaries in our community and place ours at a good price – free – in these dispensaries."

The county would not have to pay for the services; several local dispensaries have the platform in place. The county would inject its message on advertisement monitors in the dispensaries.

The county still needs to sign a content licensing agreement with the company.

Pace said the next step may be to require all dispensaries in Pueblo County to install monitors.

"I think every dispensary should have these positive, safe-use messages out there," Pace said.

The PSAs could also be used on government access channels and YouTube.

The county has worked with the health department, the sheriff's office and the liquor and marijuana licensing board to come up with the messages to be included in the proposal.

"This is not just a bunch of politicians trying to guess what the right messages are. We went to the professionals for these messages," Pace said.

Some of those messages include: "Don't consume and drive," "Make sure you lock up your cannabis and keep it away from kids," "Don't consume in public places" and "Not all juices and snacks are meant for kids."

They would also include rules about homegrows and other regulations.

Nick Stanitz-Harper, cofounder of Greenlite, said his company is focused on revolutionizing and defragmenting the retail point of sale experience in the cannabis industry.

"A percentage of all of our monitors are used for product and informational type advertising for our clients," Stanitz-Harper said.

"In doing so and having that type of reach inside the dispensaries, we wanted to make the push to be able to provide that responsible consumption messaging for the government as well."

Stanitz-Harper said existing monitors can become compatible with his company's software.

Greenlite makes its money from advertisers and dispensaries.

Dispensaries pay Greenlite for the format, as well as product companies that decide to advertise on the monitors.

Stanitz-Harper said working with governments is new.

"Pueblo commissioners' office and the Pueblo people just fought down a very hard-fought Question 200 this past year in the election, so we wanted to align ourselves with the organizations like that to help really push and continue to thrive with the responsible consumption messaging," he said.

"We as a brand have been very selective about who we have aligned ourselves with."

Stanitz-Harper said it's great content to have on its digital signage.

"We feel that it is something that will help align the county with the dispensaries and the product companies, as well as to promote that responsible use," Stanitz-Harper said.

"We wanted to start with the 'Napa Valley of Cannabis.' "


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Pueblo County Marijuana Dispensaries To Use PSAs To Educate Consumers
Author: Anthony A. Mestas
Contact: (719) 544-3520
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Website: The Pueblo Chieftain
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