Coca Cola as an additive?

Dude, I spend alot of time near my plants and opening a Coke near them is as far as I would go with your regimen so they can benefit from the CO2 "fart", I certainly wouldn't dump any in their pots! Use good organic concentrated nutrient solutions such as Fox Farm instead and you won't have to think about adding phosphoric acid to your soil. I DO however mist with carbonated water twice a day, pure seltzer without any additive sodium. Today is day 48 on my Easy Ryder girls - check out the results. They don't call it Coke Cola or Pepsi Cola due to benefits for the growing community.

Wow she is so pretty.Good looking girl.Nice long Cola.Man i wish our goverment would legalize this plant already.Everyone should be able to have the joys of growing a Ganja plant.Theres so much to learn and have fun at the same time while growing.Thanks 4 sharing a pic of that sweet leafy goddess:goodluck:
sry for the dbl post.But back on the OPs subject.I think its pretty cool that your trying something diffrent.Thats how humans find out if things work or not.Its your plant,dont let everyone put you down for trying something diffrent.Keep us/me how things work out on this.
Thanks for the container info. I'm fearful on the actual transplant itself. She's so pretty right now and if she's pretty, then she's happy too. So if I move her, without researching how to do it she might get traumatized. Can't have that. I don't know much about this but if I just touch a leaf or stem the 'skunk' is very pungent and lingers for a good while so I'm assuming all's well. I'd say it's probably a gallon and a half in volume.
As far a germinating seeds soak them in PHed water for 24 hours drop in FFOF cut with about 40% perlite no deeper that 1/2 inch T5 light at about 8 inches. Heat pad underneath. 6 for 6 with seeds from Nirvana they pop out of the dirt in about 3 days. I also never touch them. Make sure after a couple of hours they sink in the water if they dont try to get them to sink. If not try again a in a couple of hours
Go look in my thread to see the Venus Flytraps those are from seed.

I should have mentioned I just water with seaweed and water until I transplant to a larger pot.

Rockwool is evil I think. I just harvested 4 plants. 2 were clones started in rockwool and they were the worst producing and worst looking root structure. The 2 started in soil looked great got taller and produced more
Dexter, thanks for the input but, the slang and abbreviations you've used are greek to me. I've got some learning ahead of me. The Liquid Kharma I use is a kelp derivative that she appears to enjoy. So your seaweed and water is a good recommendation. I switched her to the bigger container Firestone and it went well.
Dexter, thanks for the input but, the slang and abbreviations you've used are greek to me. I've got some learning ahead of me. The Liquid Kharma I use is a kelp derivative that she appears to enjoy. So your seaweed and water is a good recommendation. I switched her to the bigger container Firestone and it went well.

LOL sorry I was kinda under the influence last night :Namaste:

FFOF is Fox Farm Ocean Forest

I'm using Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed. Others seem to like the powder better.

If you look at my grow journal it will all make sense, at least I think it will LOL
BRAWNDO THE THIRST MUTILATOR , its got what plants crave...
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