Comedian Drew Carey Calls Out 'ResponsibleOhio' For Their Ohio Marijuana Proposal

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
Cleveland’s golden boy Drew Carey has decided he’s “not sure if he likes” Responsible Ohio’s take on the marijuana legalization discussions as of late.

The Cleveland comedian is widely known for his comedy sketches and game show hosting, as well as supporting medical marijuana. Carey however, is not a fan of the proposed ballot initiative to legalize marijuana and restrict it’s growers to 10 investors.

Carey took to Twitter on Tuesday to express his views and caused quite a reaction among fans and followers.

You can read more of his tweets HERE



News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Comedian Drew Carey calls out 'ResponsibleOhio' for their Ohio marijuana proposal | Columbus
Author: Lorna Finnegan
Photo Credit: @DrewFromTV
Website: Columbus | Columbus News, Sports, Weather, Entertainment & More
I'll be happy to to get it legal 1st. I mean sure being allowed to grow it and have more dispensaris would be much nicer, but stealth growing isn't that hard anyways. It may be a small step in the right direction, but hey it's a step.:thumb:
I'm from the tyrannical State of New York and I hope that you people in Ohio collectively find a way to get this issue on a ballot whereby HOME GROWTH for every legal-aged resident will become a law. Then, every resident of age can have their choice as to whether to grow or not grow on their own property. There is no reason whatsoever that responsible adults shouldn't have the RIGHT to cultivate a determined number of plants for their own use --- whether that be for medical or recreational use or both.

Be a part of the movement and help lead the way to total, national legalization for the cultivation and use of cannabis by free choice !

Kudos for your efforts, Ohio residents and voters. Now --- make sure that your own personal vote makes it as a vote for positive change and freedom of choice. It's the adult thing to do.
There should be no reason to stop at the point where one has to "stealth grow". There is no shame in cultivation one's own cannabis and certainly, no reason why one should have to be concerned about being persecuted, prosecuted and incarcerated. This issue is one of legality --- not one of half-assing it so one has to hide it like they were running a meth lab. Total legality for adults is the right thing to do --- for every legal, U.S. resident --- not just the existing legal states and (pending) Ohio.

It is a step in exactly the wrong direction. Now that times are changing these rich bastages with fat wallets want to come in and snatch it up for themselves. are you goofy or what? NO MONOPOLY. Free markets. Free minds. People should be able to openly compete in the marketplace. Imagine after prohibition ended and Pabst got the monopoly on beer brewing and you had to pay Heiney price for Pabst quality? NO MONOPOLY. Open free markets. This group of "investors" haven't had one scrap of skin in the game for the past 40 years of struggle and could give a shit less about us. And now they want to scoop the whole thing and you are comfortable with that? Like I said, you goofy.
Be patient. don't jump on the first train that comes along. Time is on our side. Do not support these Johnny come latelies with super fat wallets that could give a shit less about you and just see you as a cow to be milked. They have had not one scrap of skin in the game in fact they have supported the status quo for a long time while they amassed their very considerable fortunes. They haven't lost their ability to earn a living and live decently, now they see a potential profit and they think they gonna steal this . NO " Responsible Ohio" their very proposal stinks.
I'm from the tyrannical State of New York and I hope that you people in Ohio collectively find a way to get this issue on a ballot whereby HOME GROWTH for every legal-aged resident will become a law. Then, every resident of age can have their choice as to whether to grow or not grow on their own property. There is no reason whatsoever that responsible adults shouldn't have the RIGHT to cultivate a determined number of plants for their own use --- whether that be for medical or recreational use or both.

Be a part of the movement and help lead the way to total, national legalization for the cultivation and use of cannabis by free choice !

Kudos for your efforts, Ohio residents and voters. Now --- make sure that your own personal vote makes it as a vote for positive change and freedom of choice. It's the adult thing to do.
voting for responsible ohio would be the exact opposite of positive change and freedom of choice. The basis of their whole proposal is to eliminate forever your choice and make themselves the only game in town.
I'm from the tyrannical State of New York and I hope that you people in Ohio collectively find a way to get this issue on a ballot whereby HOME GROWTH for every legal-aged resident will become a law. Then, every resident of age can have their choice as to whether to grow or not grow on their own property. There is no reason whatsoever that responsible adults shouldn't have the RIGHT to cultivate a determined number of plants for their own use --- whether that be for medical or recreational use or both.

Be a part of the movement and help lead the way to total, national legalization for the cultivation and use of cannabis by free choice !

Kudos for your efforts, Ohio residents and voters. Now --- make sure that your own personal vote makes it as a vote for positive change and freedom of choice. It's the adult thing to do.

what if you live in an apartment? Ohio do not support "Responsible Ohio" these birds just want to pick your pocket. They could give a shit less about us and any " movement" they just have fat wallets and want to snatch up and hijack our suffering for personal gain. crass and very self serving. The proposal stinks
I am not familiar with the specific writing of the proposal. Does it not allow for any resident to cultivate their own or is it written and proposed that the allowance will ONLY be for ten dedicated sites to cultivate, which would keep home-growers out of the legal equation?
at first they had no allowance for home growers. then they begrudgingly allowed 4 plants. Is an unrooted cutting a plant? Is a seedling a plant? See, the trouble is these assholes have just greed in mind. The truth is they know absolutely nothing about anything but country clubs and banks. People that live in apartments can't grow. That's eviction. Their proposal changes day by day. All they really know is they think there is money to be made and they want it ALL. They have had not one scrap of skin in the game, in fact have been big suporters of the weed war, while the rest of us have had to live like slaves they have been living off the fat of the land. Candidates for office call them for advice my recommendation is to reject utterly and totally their whole proposal and send these stinking carpetbaggers packing back to the country club that they snuck out of. NO MONOPOLY NO RESPONSIBLE OHIO bullshit. Good bye carpetbaggers!
There is much anticipation that there will soon be legalization of cannabis at the federal level. That is more likely to happen than not. But it is not likely to be a form of legalization that cannabis activists have in mind.

ResponsibleOhio looks like a trial run of a very restrictive form of legalization, something akin to the state cannabis monopoly being established in Uruguay. The difference is the United States government being a corporatocracy/plutocracy, and not a socialist government, will not be running the monopoly but will give it over to the private sector to run and profit from. Each state will be allowed to setup their own version of cannabis oligopolies owned by wealthy plutocrats under federal guidelines. The old style Anslinger/Nixon prohibition is no longer viable or profitable.

The grass roots cannabis legalization efforts that liberated cannabis from the dungeon of prohibition and into its rightful place in the sun through medical cannabis legalization, and even the more broader so-called recreational cannabis laws, will not be allowed to move forward by the Powers. They will reign in what they see as the wild west of grass roots legalization at the state level. This sort of expression of real democracy can not be allowed to stand, it is a potential knife pointing at the jugular of the established order.

The recreational market will be given over to state regulated private oligopolies; Big Pharma will be given exclusive rights to produce cannabis derived drugs under license of federal cannabinoid patents and Monsanto will dominate hemp production with their GMO hemp strains. If this sounds improbable then just look around and see how this sort of model has already been established in banking, health care/insurance, manufacturing and agriculture.
Reading thru everyone's comments makes me wonder.... I live in a state where cannabis cultivation and possession is a Felony Offence. Cannabis goes legal on the Federal level and most likely handed over to big Pharma as "licensed" suppliers. The black/grey market will still thrive. Same as alcohol, we still make corn liquor off the books and always will. It shall be the same with cannabis my bet. With the black/grey market it wont be the Feds or local police to worry about but will have to worry about local competition same as growers do now.
IF I was to be in the business of growing for profit (which I am not) my main concern would be the neighborhood dealer. This will not change with legalization at any level. Always going to be a grey/black market for cannabis, specially if it's highly regulated. The only way to make it really work is change cannabis from a cash crop to an subsistence crop that ANYONE could grow just like tomatoes or potatoes.
Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state is on record being against giving any group monopoly cartel ability. I can see what you saying this is the cynicism that comes with years of experience obviously. I do agree that what you call a "model" in the last paragraph is not so inaccurate as to call it a fabrication but I would say you lean towards anarchist thought but maybe it comes from years of watching and observing, so I am not making a judgement on that. What is true is that, in a capitalist system, there is inevitably a top down integration of everything. I propose, as does Jacob Sullum of Reason magazine, a excise tax system akin to alcohol wherein all potential producers are able to enter marketplace and would use as a measure 1/16 of an ounce as equivalent excise tax wise to a bottle of 750 ml spirits, which has about 3.00 state and federal excise tax total per bottle. I think any medical marijuana scheme has to like California, require the dispenseries to be at the end of the day non profit, to keep prices down after all they are dispensing medicine and until Medicare or Medicaid covers a prescription for MM, as it already does other prescribed theraputic substances, all of the costs of this life changing medicine have to come out of the patients pockets 100%. What I want is to keep those that are thinking they are gonna become overnight billionaires out of it entirely, and making a hypocracy of the MM question anyway. My objection to Responsible Ohio is that I see this group as a group of pirates or war profiteers who want to hijack for themselves what has been along time in coming with no input from them . It is insulting that now that they smell money they are so arrogant they think they can just muscle in and snatch the whole thing for their arrogant selves, without having one scrap of skin or effort in the last 40 years, in fact they have supported the status quo all along. What is the student housing kingpin Kirk's policy concerning a marijuana related situation in one of his student housing projects across the country? I would bet it has been zero tolerance. Does anyone know anyone who has been evicted from Mr. Kirk's housing for a marijuana related " offense"? I would be interested in that person contacting me.
Reading thru everyone's comments makes me wonder.... I live in a state where cannabis cultivation and possession is a Felony Offence. Cannabis goes legal on the Federal level and most likely handed over to big Pharma as "licensed" suppliers. The black/grey market will still thrive. Same as alcohol, we still make corn liquor off the books and always will. It shall be the same with cannabis my bet. With the black/grey market it wont be the Feds or local police to worry about but will have to worry about local competition same as growers do now.
IF I was to be in the business of growing for profit (which I am not) my main concern would be the neighborhood dealer. This will not change with legalization at any level. Always going to be a grey/black market for cannabis, specially if it's highly regulated. The only way to make it really work is change cannabis from a cash crop to an subsistence crop that ANYONE could grow just like tomatoes or potatoes.

Lots of people, though they CAN grow their own tomatoes or potatoes, choose to buy tomatoes or potatoes. I do agree with your thoughts about black?grey market and both Colorado and Washington need to rethink and redo their taxing schemes. Read Jacob Sullum's article 3-20-2013 Reason Magazine to read an excellent article about a true fair taxing scheme that allows for people to enter the market, and how so far Colorado's and Washington's taxing and regulation schemes do not do what they say their intention was, to regulate as alcohol, which comparatively wise a much more dangerous substance to both individuals and society in general, especially when you put firearms into the alcoholic mix. We need to look at that excise tax model. Just google "How much excise tax is there on a 750 bottle of vodka" to get access to much good information. We need to get educated on what we want as this situation comes to a head in the next several years, and stand behind proposals that allow for competition and jobs creation, the small mom and pop winery, microbreweries. The small business is where the bulk of job creation is and has always been. You guys with lots of posts, send me a private message concerning what you think. I am interested in your opinions. Anarchists, republicans, democrats, libertarians, all your opinions are all valuable because you are first and foremost citizens.
We need to look at that excise tax model. Just google "How much excise tax is there on a 750 bottle of vodka" to get access to much good information. We need to get educated on what we want as this situation comes to a head in the next several years, and stand behind proposals that allow for competition and jobs creation, the small mom and pop winery, microbreweries. The small business is where the bulk of job creation is and has always been.

I agree, small business is where its at. Its how we provide work for the jobless, homes for the homeless and food for the hungry. ALL the folks corporations leave behind EVERY DAY.
It sure would be nice to see a cannabis "dispensory" set up more like a microbewery. Thats much closer to what it should be. You can hang and smoke, or get your "growler" to go.. provide food and beer/wine too ... actually a microbrewery WITH a cannabis section, good idea. trademark!! hahaha Got your hemp flavored beer too.. just think about all those yummy strains of BEER!

Getting back to the topic, we as a society need to keep corporations and big pharma out of the cannabis biz and let the "authorities" take care of the criminal element. We need to leave room for folks that grow at home for personal use. Its not fair to lump us together with gangsters and organized crime. Richard Nixon was ALWAYS an asshole. If it wasn't for him we'ed be good by now 100%.
I am not familiar with the specific writing of the proposal. Does it not allow for any resident to cultivate their own or is it written and proposed that the allowance will ONLY be for ten dedicated sites to cultivate, which would keep home-growers out of the legal equation?
DrRootswell sez. Educate yourself. Read the specific ballot proposal language. Section K: Seeds and big stems any part will be counted for weight. Step backwards folks! Keith Stroop of NORML, you are absolutely 100% WRONG on this. Licensing? Do we need a "license" to brew us up a batch of beer and share with our friends around the bonfire? You Republicans who venerate Ronald Reagan, we want smaller government, not more intrusive government. Hey, citizen, we need to look in yer closets. Read excellent stories by Jacob Redmond concerning honest citizens being held up and by coercive use of force having their cash and stuff taken by pirates in blue. VOTE NO on this stupid ballot initiative. SEND THESE CARPETBAGGERS packing. They letting their highly paid mouthpieces talk for them for if they had any shame they would wear bandannas around their faces like the old timey train robbers did when they robbed the gold trains and stagecoaches. Hey, partner, throw down that cash box causen our guns'r bigger than yer in. Hahahaha. I am a laugh riot. NO TO THE CARPETBAGGERS> SEND EM PACKING! MY error was forks instead of folks!
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