Does anyone know anything about Formula 3 detox for saliva drug tests?


New Member
I just found out I need to take a drug test tomorrow morning for a job and I smoked this afternoon. I heard that weed only stays in your saliva for 12-24 hours and I have passed one before by just washing my mouth out and using mints. Anyway just to make my chances better I bought this drink and pill combo called formula 3 that is suppose to help it was only 40 bucks but does anyone know anything about this? Does it work?
high welcome to the forums.

I use the search option and found this link Saliva test?

good luck with the test. let us know how it turned out.
Thanks, I took the test and find out if I pass or not this Weds. I did the detox and held the test inbetween my teeth rather than my gum and cheek so we will see how it goes!
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