Drug Test Coming Up


New Member
Hey guys,

So I've been out of work for a while and I've received a job offer that will make life a great deal easier, but I'm not sure if I am clean. I'm not even sure if the job will be doing a drug test, but I figured better safe than sorry, so I'm asking your opinions.

3 weekends ago I was smoking heavily for the first time in about 2 months, about a bowl a night for about 4-5 nights (that's heavy for me). Then I started to mellow out and the next weekend I smoked for about 3 days, about a bowl each night. And then smoked very lightly the last weekend (just feeling a little good) for 2 nights. Since then I have been clean for probably 5 days. I'm going into work Monday and I have a pretty good metabolism. Do you think it'll be out of my system? Any helpful tips besides subbing (such short notice I don't think I can get what I need)?

Also, I think I saw on here that they make test strips I can try to make sure I am clean. Would any local stores sell these or are the only online? I live in Orange County/LA by the way if anyone knows an actual store to visit.

Try your local pharmacy or Walmart. They should have test kits. The ones that test specifically for marijuana aren't too expensive.
good question, i'm in a similar predicament. i recommend you drink a lot of water that day; pee a lot before and during work, drinkin water the whole time. So then if you do get tested, you'll be able to pull a dilute. Good luck!
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