Drug War Survivor


New Member
Hi. My name is John Swaim. My facebook page is Drug War Survivor. My small group is Marijuana Madness. From the time I first tried pot at age 16 I knew it was better than alcohol. Even at 16 I knew that it was wrong for pot to be listed as a Schedule 1 drug with heroin, LSD, and cocaine. I thought pot would be decriminalized under President Carter! I did not realize that corruption and huge profits were more important to our leaders than the welfare of our state. California has an $8 billion dollar debt. Our #1 cash crop is conservatively estimated at $14 billion. The only drug my state says I can take to get high is alcohol. If I take anything else I am branded an addict and a criminal. Meanwhile virtually every bank in this state is actively involved in laundering billions in drug money. I called Governor Browns' switchboard. I said the people of California need the money more than the cartels and the money-laundering banks. I said I wanted to get high with something that didn't knock me so low, and I didn't want to be criminalized or rehabilitated for my common sense. It's not about protecting the kids either. Pot DOES lead to other drugs. When kids find out pot is good they figure we lied about all the drugs.
Drug War Survivor
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