Dyna grow help


New Member
Using a peat moss with perlita as my grow material only. use Dyna grow foliage-pro 9-3-6 with 6.0 ph water at half strength. A small splash of mag used sparingly. My auto flower plants are ok but not great in size. Very good taste and high-2 hits. Should I try a better soil blend and is it worth the money? My lights are great. The organic thing can be hype.
indoors autos don't get big.

Since you are not using any soil and are asking about using a "better soil" I don't think you have a full grasp of what you are doing. Just a little tough love my friend.

You need to read up on what you are doing because you are not in soil so that may be your problem. You may think you are in soil and trying to follow a soil recipe. Since you are not using soil you should understand better what you are doing.

And just a word of advice and you can ignore it...saying something is all hype that is a proven scientific fact is not going to help get people to help you. If you want people to help you ..well you have just offended a large portion of experts who know a lot more than you do. Why should they care? Are you going to pay them something for their time correcting your lack of knowledge?

If you want help...don't go off telling people what you think you know. Just post what your conditions are and ask for advice. If someone gives you advice you don't care for you can ignore it and not respond.

what you are saying is....

My space ship doesn't work too well. I want to orbit the earth. I am using a rocket booster with Oxygen but not Hydrogen...and the earth isn't round...that is just hype. How do I orbit the earth.

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