Earl Blumenauer To Speak At Portland's Global Cannabis March

The General

New Member
Oregon - Nearly three hundred cities worldwide, including Portland, will participate in the fifteenth annual Global Cannabis March on Saturday, May 3, 2014. Portland participants will gather in Pioneer Courthouse Square to march at high noon through downtown Portland, accompanied by a police escort. The keynote speaker for the event will be our own Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer, (District 3). He will be speaking immediately following the march.

Musicians Mack & Dub and the Smokin' Section, The Sindicate, Disenchanter and Justin James Bridges have joined the lineup for the rally, which runs from 11:00am to 4:00pm in Pioneer Courthouse Square. Speakers for the rally include CRRH Director Paul Stanford; Paul Loney, Oregon NORML Legal Counsel; Leland Berger, a Portland Attorney; Rowshan Reordan, Oregon NORML; Anna Diaz of the NORML Women's Alliance; Madeline Martinez of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP); Russ Belville of 420 Radio; and Oregon Attorney John Lucy IV.

"I think it's game over in less than five years," Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said, according to an article in The Huffington Post. "There's no question that we're likely to see another state or two this year legalizing [social] use. We're going to see more medical marijuana progress. The crazy prohibitions on bank services and probably the tax disparities -- these are all eroding," Rep. Blumenauer predicted. "Cannabis proponents agree; the war on the cannabis plant is a farce, the drug war is taking a last gasp. No political movement in America has made it this far without eventually winning, it's just a matter of time before marijuana prohibition crumbles," said Michael Bachara, Executive Director of Oregon National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Paul Loney, Oregon NORML's legal counsel, states, "All we want is freedom and sensible regulation. We just keep pushing for freedom. Whatever groups are out there, it takes everybody. That's the beauty of this country is that there are so many of us out there. There is a group that we can all join and all have the same common cause, which is legalize cannabis." Three initiative campaigns, the Oregon Cannabis Amendment, Oregon Cannabis Tax Act and the Control, Regulation, and Taxation of Marijuana and Industrial Hemp Act will be collecting signatures to put social cannabis on the November 2014 ballot. Registered Oregon voters are encouraged come down and have their voice heard by signing all three initiatives. A bio-diesel school bus has confirmed they will be offering rides to the disabled; they will be parked nearby the Pioneer Square. There will also be an ASL interpreter for the hearing impaired.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Source: Salem-news.com
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Website: Earl Blumenauer to Speak at Portland's Global Cannabis March - Salem-News.Com
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