Emery Legal Circus Began Because Canadians


New Member
As high-profile lawyers line up to represent Marc Emery at his upcoming extradition hearing, and as marijuana activists pressure Justice Minister Irwin Cotler to step into the fray, we can't help but note that this entire affair need never have happened had the government and police done their jobs.

Emery now stands accused by the United States of selling marijuana seeds, conspiracy to manufacture marijuana and money-laundering. Cotler has given the authority to proceed with the extradition hearing and Emery faces life in a U.S. prison should he be extradited and convicted of the offences.

Under the terms of the Treaty on Extradition Between Canada and the United States and Canada's Extradition Act, Cotler told The Vancouver Sun editorial board he had no choice but to grant that authority.

Newshawk: SirBlazinBowl (420Times.com)
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 The Vancouver Sun
Contact: sunletters@png.canwest.com
Website: Canada.Com
Author: The Vancouver Sun
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