England: No Charges Over Coventry Bar Cannabis Plants Haul

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
A 38-year-old man arrested by police after a huge haul of cannabis plants was found in a Coventry bar has been released without charge.

The man was arrested in March after police raided Bar 22 in Trinity Street, in Coventry city centre.

Six rooms had been converted to grow drugs.

A total of 382 cannabis plants were found inside the building.

At the time police said they were worth tens of thousands of pounds.

A Foleshill man was arrested and questioned. He was released on bail until Friday.

But a spokesman for West Midlands Police has now confirmed no further action will be taken against him, adding that the man had been released from bail.


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Full Article: No charges over Coventry bar cannabis plants haul - Coventry Telegraph
Author: Sam Dimmer
Contact: Coventry Telegraph: Coventry news, sport, lifestyle and events
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Website: Coventry Telegraph: Coventry news, sport, lifestyle and events
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