Ever discover a plant outside by mistake?


New Member
Hey gang CannaVince here again......so I was doing some spring cleaning in and outside of my house (cause in AZ its like spring already) and discovered in my side yard 2 baby girls growing out from the layer of gravel...looks to me like they have sprouted about 10 days ago as they are already into full first set of leaves....I have Over the years tossed soil and nutes and smoke bowls and what not out there and POW....babies..
So has anyone else ever just come across a plant or two or even stumbled upon someone elses grow?....let's hear it!!... Oh and
WORD ....:hippy:
Re: Ever discover a plant outside by mistake?..

hey ..... nice thread canna :)

yeah i have found little babies growing in my yard too ahaha last summer when i was living with a few mates (we all got high) ..... we all used to sit in the yard from 6pm - 2-3am and we just blazed bare spliffs lol .... anyways we used to chuck our soil away in the corner of the yard and one day i moved a table that was there and BAM there was 3 females which had 3 sets of leaves lol enough to see the hairs to show they were females .... :p .... word :)
Re: Ever discover a plant outside by mistake?..

We had an old shop building where we used to smoke.We would rarely sweep the place but when we did we threw it outside in the weeds.It was fall and i was burning off around the old building and stumbled across a 6ft female not one seed in her.Nobody had been out at the shop since 4/20 (thats when we celebrated our umm......rights.)Great thread man.:welldone:
my friend also in AZ threw some seeds in his backyard and grew a 8ft plant outta it and never did much but water it from time to time.

also i ran into some in strawberry, Arizona in the forest but from wha ti seen with the shoelaces they were not wild
I have a spot in the corner of the yard where I dump yard waste and empty pots etc,Last fall when yard cleaning the wife found two stunted plants that had grown there finished and ready to crop.
Hey brother I dump my soil in a huge compost pile on my property and last year found three Purple Wreck and four Sour Diesel Plants growing wild at about four feet high. I transplanted them and only two were female but the bud was great for free.
Haaaa....word bro...I'm so glad .....was concerned alittle you know.... Good to have a mate over seas.....your gonna need a bigger garden with all those trees now....no prob my man....
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