Evidence Is In, But No Change In Medical Marijuana Laws

Marinol was supposed to be crushed blended bud matter, origionally, and it was. That is why is got you so high :) Then they raped it of all the cannabinoids that really helped so many conditions that the plant does, and I hear it's useless for most ailments now, and 1500 bucks a month for a 1/2 stregth monthly dose. (5 mg)
From pharmacy to pharmacy and state to state I'm sure the prices vary. In Iowa, where I live, it costs the state, since I'm on disability, $701 a month to supply me with 60-5 Mg Marinol pills a month. I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. As you said it really doesn't work that well without the phsycoactive ingredient. Both my pharmacist and doctor claim it has always been the same formula that it never did contain the phsycoactive effect. At first I was on the 2.5 Mg dose and when I told my doctor it wasn't working, to control chronic nausea and vomiting, he raised me to the 5 Mg dose. The best way it helps is that it gives you a THC base and takes less smoke to get the psychactive effect. But when I have my regular med :yummy: I don't use the Marinol. I save it for when I'm out :smokin:. One positive thing is that if I ever have to drop a UA for a job or whatever, because I'm on Marinol I will test positive for THC and they don't spend the money to test between Marinol and Marijuana, it is cost prohibitive, so I would be considered clean when I show my Marinol prescription :thedoubletake:. Unless of course you smoke Marihuana and go insane and kill your family. You know like our government use to say about the use of Marihuana then they might spend the money to prove Marihuana really does drive one criminally insane. In fact today's Marihuana is so strong all you have to do is look at a picture of it and you will be driven criminally insane, right??? :rofl: Someday the citizens/states will force the feds to change the laws concerning the use, cultivation and sale of Cannabis. :peace: :rollit:
Calif. I believe being a leader in this Nation to most changes, there is a possible light at the dark tunnel. They are wanting to pass a bill to stop employers from firing THC users, if only it is for Medical Prescriptions.
How true, California is the cutting edge of more than just Medical Marijuana. Not that I listen to him but I was surfing the AM radio stations and heard Rush Limbaugh say, "California is the cutting edge for most changes in America." So yes I agree, I believe there is a small light at the end of the tunnel and it is growing larger everyday. Soon I won't have to sit and wait for a phone call that may not happen, I will have the freedom you enjoy. As far as firing people who test positive for THC, how can they (or do they) allow a Marinol prescription as clean but not a medical marijuana prescription? Either way if they allow one they should have to allow the other. :cheesygrinsmiley:. But until then I'm hanging in there alright. Thanks for your encouragement. :peace::grinjoint:
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