Experienced grower, rare problem


New Member
I have a Jack Herer which seems to have an odd deficiency that I can't find any information on. The smaller leaves forming on the internodal buds of one branch are Half yellow/Half Green. As of right I now have no way to get a good pic uploaded. I use super soil and compost tea. No bottled nutrients. 600w HPS about 10" from canopy. I have a few years experience and my soil is down to a science. I've run into and corrected every common deficiency but this ones got me baffled. Any input is welcome.
Re: Experienced grower, rare problem.

Equal parts worm castings and kelp meal, a tbsp bat guano, and a handful of organic compost. It seems to have cleared up after a nice top feed of super soil...I just don't know which deficiency might cause such an odd discoloration...
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