Fast question: White Moscow Auto


New Member
Strain: Feminised Automatic White Moscow
40-45 days from seed
first 2 weeks 20/4
after the first 2 weeks 12/12 - I know that this kind ot strain have to be 20/4 or 18/6 during the whole plant's life but I had another plant in the box that already was at 12/12 so I put the little Moscow in the same box. Now the other plant is ready, but the moscow is smaller than usual ( it is 6 inches- it have to be at least 8 - and I know that the reason is the light cycle)
So my question is: Can I switch the lights back to 20/4 without harming the girls and make them hermies ?
Thank u in advance! :peace:
P.S. I know that these kind of strains can stand a lot of changes but not I'm not sure this change is one of them.
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