Father-To-Be Grew Cannabis 'To Save Money'

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
A Father to be's cannabis habit was costing so much that when his girlfriend fell pregnant they decided it was time to start growing their own to save money.

Christopher Amess, 24, was spending between £80 and £90 a week on his smoking habit so when partner Chelsea Pardy, 19, became pregnant they decided something had to be done.

When police raided their home in Lawrence Weston in October last year they discovered an unsophisticated set-up with cannabis worth more than £4,500.

Amess and Pardy, now of Battersby Walk, Henbury, had both previously pleaded guilty to producing cannabis and appeared at Bristol Crown Court to be sentenced.

Pardy was given a 12 month community order with 12 months supervision and a 20 hour specialist activity requirement.

Amess was also given a 12 month community order with 60 hours unpaid work and must pay £200 court costs.

Amy Jones, prosecuting, said officers executed a search warrant at the address in Lawrence Weston on October 26.

"Entry had to be forced by police because Miss Pardy did not want to let them in," Miss Jones said.

"During the course of the search officers found a growing tent, remains of plants, five pots containing juvenile plants and associated drugs paraphernalia.

"Green matter worth approximately £4,620 was discovered."

Miss Jones said in interview Pardy said they had started growing cannabis in order to support her partner's use. She also said they intended selling about half of it for £1,500, Miss Jones said.

Amess indicated it was for his own personal use.

Miss Jones said neither defendant had any previous convictions and asked for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.

Katie Jenkins, defending Pardy, said: "At the time of the offence she found herself unemployed and pregnant. She was completely reliant on her partner financially but he had a habit that was costing between £80 and £90 a week that he was finding hard to sustain. It was therefore Miss Pardy's suggestion that they grew their own cannabis."

She reminded the court Pardy had pleaded guilty immediately, had no previous convictions and was due to give birth in two weeks.

Jane Chamberlain, defending Amess, said her client had not smoked cannabis since his arrest.

She added he too had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity, had no previous offences and had shown a good deal of remorse for his actions.

Recorder Sarah Vaughan-Jones QC told the couple: "I have listened to both of your counsel and they have assured me you will not be in front of the court again. It is an important stage of your life now so make sure you are not."


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Location: Lawrence Weston, UK
Source: This Is Bristol
Contact: www.thisisbristol.co.uk/contact
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