Fear, Fear and More Fear, with a Healthy Dose of Paranoia

Druidess 52

New Member
Here I am, minding my own business on a fairly beautiful California day, with just a hint of a threat of thunderstorms. Then my friend called and said something about dispensaries being raided and I got online and, sure enough, 4 dispensaries in SB County got basically pounded into the ground. Looks like patients were treated with utter contempt and humiliation, while patients coming with product were arrested along with the employees and owners of the dispensaries.

If that weren't horrific enough, imagine what's going through my mind (and its small, ok? and not a lot more will fit...) over and over like a really bad commercial song. The dispensaries have lists of their patients, the dispensaries have lists of their patients....

OK, ok, ok. There's HiPPA and the PCI Protected Client Info, blah blah blah and it would be illegal to release the names, right? Small comfort, when, after reading the article thoroughly, I had, what may be a deluded fantasy. I found what just transpired in our beloved SB County was reminiscent of tactics used in countries where human rights and civil rights are violated every day.

So, are they coming for us next? I welcome any and all attempts to calm me down.
Here I am, minding my own business on a fairly beautiful California day, with just a hint of a threat of thunderstorms. Then my friend called and said something about dispensaries being raided and I got online and, sure enough, 4 dispensaries in SB County got basically pounded into the ground. Looks like patients were treated with utter contempt and humiliation, while patients coming with product were arrested along with the employees and owners of the dispensaries.

If that weren't horrific enough, imagine what's going through my mind (and its small, ok? and not a lot more will fit...) over and over like a really bad commercial song. The dispensaries have lists of their patients, the dispensaries have lists of their patients....

OK, ok, ok. There's HiPPA and the PCI Protected Client Info, blah blah blah and it would be illegal to release the names, right? Small comfort, when, after reading the article thoroughly, I had, what may be a deluded fantasy. I found what just transpired in our beloved SB County was reminiscent of tactics used in countries where human rights and civil rights are violated every day.

So, are they coming for us next? I welcome any and all attempts to calm me down.

Druidess, I live around there as well and haven't had to stop in since my own grow was finished !! I'm glad I wasn't there picking up a 1/4 !! :peace: Lets all start writing the peolpe who are in office and see where they stand on this ! elections are comming up !! VOTE :peace:
Scary stuff indeed. As our economy continues to crumble, and as Fox News donates $1M to the general war chest of the Republican Party, I have to wonder if all the progress we've made will turn out to be nothing more than a pile of feathers in the wind. What do you think will happen in all the MMJ states, if the Repubs retake the White House in 2012? I think Prop. 19 may well become moot, even if prevails in the meantime. A lot of conservatives (and some liberals, but mainly conservatives) have a hair up their butts about what they see as personal morals, including (M)MJ use.

It's interesting that when you look at different countries around the world, it's often the poorest and most repressive that have the harshest penalties for MJ. Because of our own religious history, I think the default attitude in this country, as well, is that one's personal difficulties are the result of such "immorality", and this provides the justification for persecution of drug users. "Lost your job because the drug test found THC metabolites in your system? Tough luck." seems to be the mantra, and if you object to the whole principle of drug testing, you're a whiner. Even the original meaning of "whine" seems to have been supplanted by "to express concerns which I has your superior consider laughable, however important they may seem to you."

I'm sorry for the ramble but this is such a disheartening time. Not just wrt to MJ or MMJ, but the whole state of affairs in this country. The free enterprisers are still on about the joys of pirate health insurance, and bully libertarianism which they extol the best way to generate jobs for everyone. But most of Europe's doing a lot better right now than we are. Germany's so hard up for workers they're talking about relaxing their tough immigration laws, and I heard one of their news reports today which said their unemployment rate's at an eighteen-year low.
well gothmog, you raise a critical point about 2012, if the rehabs take over from Obama and they enforce the federal standard, we all might be up the creek w/o a paddle, sky high
even if republicans take over in 2012, isn't it up to state to uphold the law? They can't force Cali to go back right?
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