First Grow


New Member
Hello everyone. This is my first time growing Cannabis, well, completely. I started a few plants before but thats irrelevant. Anyhow, I'm currently growing two. From planting them in the soil to now, it has probably been about 3 or 4 weeks now. The plants are looking alright, but I figured it would probably be beneficial for new growers such as myself to have the proper criticism during the whole process to avoid any bad habits beginners tend to make.

Those are what my plants look like as of today. Tips? Questions? All is welcomed and wanted!

- Octave
That was a quick reply! Thank you for that UltraDan. I have two plants, both are in pots about a foot tall. As far as the strains go, one is OG (The taller plant) and the other is a surprise from a friend, so I'm not entirely sure about that one. They are indoor plants that have 3 CFL lights with 2700 lumens about 4 inches away from each plant. I saw the tip of the OG plant today, and I JUST fed them nutrients yesterday so unfortunately I anticipated that to happen. I thought I already had some plant food from before and yesterday was the first chance I had to pick some up. I'm using miracle grow plant food as well which I have mixed in a gallon of water as the instructions asked for which should supply them with enough phosphate, nitrogen, and potassium.
Almost forgot about the room conditions, the room itself stays about 75 degrees and I have a small fan nearby to help strengthen the stems. And thanks brother! Glad to be a part of the site!
There are a lot of mixed reviews when it come to Miracle Grow. Most people would say that it is way too hot for Cannabis, but there have been some successful grows using it. Well, the soil at least, not sure about the nutrients. I would do a search on the site and find some other journals that used MG and get some guidance on dosing. There are other nutrient lines that are much more suited for Cannabis IMO
I'm loving the quick replies, thank you for that! Yeah I compared the percentages of the nutrients in the MG plant food to other growers plant food and they are extremely similar if not the same. I probably overfed them yesterday but I am regulating it now. The soil was basically the same, comparatively speaking, to the others I looked at. I will post more pictures this Saturday or Sunday to see where they stand then. Any recommendations as of now?
Here's an update on the plants! It's only been two days but they seem to look much better so I figured it'd be worth sharing. One plant grew almost an inch overnight! I decided they were about half the height I desire them to be so I switched them to a 12/12 light cycle last night. Questions or comments? All are wanted and welcomed!
Looks a little early for the switch brother. There aren't even developed nodes yet. If you want to keep the plant height down, consider topping or fimming, which would split your main stalk into multiples. If you flower now, you won't have much of a yield at all.
Gotcha! I went ahead and changed it back to a vegetative cycle, thanks for the heads up! I will top one of them tonight or tomorrow!
That was a quick reply! Thank you for that UltraDan. I have two plants, both are in pots about a foot tall. As far as the strains go, one is OG (The taller plant) and the other is a surprise from a friend, so I'm not entirely sure about that one. They are indoor plants that have 3 CFL lights with 2700 lumens about 4 inches away from each plant. I saw the tip of the OG plant today, and I JUST fed them nutrients yesterday so unfortunately I anticipated that to happen. I thought I already had some plant food from before and yesterday was the first chance I had to pick some up. I'm using miracle grow plant food as well which I have mixed in a gallon of water as the instructions asked for which should supply them with enough phosphate, nitrogen, and potassium.

plants look happy although feeding seedlings can stunt them and slow down growth the seed itself has enoght nutrients for the plant to grow nice and strong for the first 2 weeks that could be another reason they had little burn at the beginning I didn't start feeding mine until like the 4th week your plants looking good so far keep up the good work:thumb:
Alright guys, heres another update for you! Plants seem to be doing great from what I can see! Comments/questions wanted and welcomed! -Octave
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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