First Grow


New Member
hey, me and my buddy are lookin to do our first grow ever. . . well i grew befor but had to go to college and the house that the plants were at ended up turning into coac central and they didnt take care of shit, plants got to be 3 ft tall but died cuz of no watering and they set them next to an open window in the middle of winter(dumb ass). But after readin up on a bunch of different grow journals and stuff I decided i dont know as much as i nearly thought i did. We are growing in soil, befor we used african violet mix cuz thats what i heard has the same grow conditions as mary. Should i do the same? or do you suggest doing something different for a soil mix? I do have experience growing other stuff i.e mushrooms, wich turned out fantastic. But this is entirely different, its a plant, not a fungus. We will be growing in-doors. All suggestions welcome, havent started anything yet but we plan on doing it soon. How long should the process take in all? Thanx for the help all, cant wait to keep you all poasted on my first grow that I am TOTALLY in controle of. . . they are gonna be my babies i assure you. :Rasta:

also is there a way that i can femenize the seeds to ensure that they are not male? or is that way out of the question. . . thanx :peace:
Re: First Grow :)

Forgot to ask about what lights do you guys suggest? and how many watts each? we are gonna try to shoot for about 10 plants. I dont know, maybe more. . . but deffinately not less :)
Re: First Grow :)

Thanx for the support guys, i havent decided if i am going to start right away, i'm going home in december cuz classes will be over and it will be break. . . might stay up here at school though, we'll see how impatient i really am. I have been taking notes on every thing i read and feel prepared, and after watching the "I Grow Cronic" vid on pot-tv I am real tempted to just start a setup similar to that, with some improvements :biggrin: I just have to make sure that I will be around so i can check the plants after i get them started, it would be a bummer to get them all goin good and then leave for break with no one to baby sit for me. Keep the advice commin though, it is much appreciated
Re: First Grow :)

Ok, i have enough money after this paycheck i just got to go buy supplies. . . now, what kind of soil should i buy? and Floros are much cooler running correct? Since my grow space is going to be a closet i want to use floros but just put a bunch of them in a small space so i can have tonz of light. And when i go to flower can i just buy a red spectrum floro for the flowering stage, will that work? If you have any other suggestions please let me know, i would like to get this going, and i'll keep every one up dated frequently, sadly though i do not have a digital camera, i plan on asking for a good one for christmas though so you will see my little girls later in the game. :Rasta:
Re: First Grow :)

next week, i just realized i ow 300 bux on my books befor friday other wise i cannot sign up for my classes for next semester. . . be patient, it will come soon. . . sorry to all those who are anctious on seeing how its gonna get going, but i assure you its goin down soon. :Rasta:

and no one answered my questions about soil or floros yet, so if i could get a responce on those befor i start throwin around money that would be great
Re: First Grow :)

go with some BX Pro Mix soil and I don't know about flouros I've never used them and swear I never will unless its for fresh cut clones. but that is a personal preference cause you could never get the most out of your plant like when using MH and HPS.
Re: First Grow :)

i got a grow thread now.. . check it out, no pics cuz i dont have a camera. . . waiting for christams. . . p420 i am using electric balasts instead of magnetic so they cycle at a higher rate and the plants wont be able to tell, also i am doing floros cuz the plants might get a little to big for my space and run into the lights so now i dont have to worry about burn. . . here is the link First Grow :)
Re: First Grow :)

I never mentioned this was the 420th thread in here :) i hope its a sign for the grow thats goin on right now
Re: First Grow :)

wrong thread
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