First hydro attempt

Not necessarily I do not think it is from genetics and you have to remember with nutrients there are different kinds and I don't mean macro and micro nutrients I mean the way that nutrients work some nutrients are mobile and some nutrients are in Mobile where to plant needs something it can actually take it from leaves down at the bottom that are not using or gaining enough energy and send it to another part of the plant this is possibly what you are seeing it's sucking the life out of the leaves to place the energy somewhere else

As I do not think it is genetic I can take a Mexican brick weed seed and grow it out and people would not know the difference by time I'm done given it does not come out a hermaphrodite or a male I have used some of these unknown plants to cross with known plants for example I have one seed that I got out of a pound of brick weed a while back I took it and crossed it with e9 hybrid a known strain should come up with a whole nother see that I called monkey snot the potency on this when bread together normally comes out around 21% but the one all on its own the Mexican brick seed hit 12% so it's really not that bad most people just don't like running them because they have to waste all that time and energy and nutrients and aggravation to either get a male and sometimes a hermaphrodite but I have gotten good enough at this I do not have to worry about these issues I can catch a male and a hermaphrodite long before they are ready to fertilize my plan normally within two to three days of them starting to show
Later today I'm going to have to check that out maybe I can get some information on some things that I wish trying to it's very hard LOL
A clone would take a while to root in her stage might as well leave her be I been playin with clones taken in flower although it was early like yours it takes a while. Sounds like its start something new.
Really glad you didnt do anything with her, I dont think my current level of experience qualifys me to be givin a lot of advise. When I do have some knowlege on something I try to put it in a this is what I did and this is what happened kind of way. I would still be lookin for a way to cover her up and push her as far as I could, past the first freeze if I could keep her warm at night. They actually flower well in cooler temps and develop nice colors. That much I do know. Best of luck buddy drop a line once in a while.
I'm all but out of here I subbed out of everything I was following and gonna keep this for a while but I think this 420 thing has about run its course for me.
One of the biggest reasons I started growin is I just moved to this area and didnt know anybody, I hooked up but its a royal pain in the ass not to mention payin $100 for 7 grams. And thats stuff from legal states somebody on here is probly growin.

I'll pick out a perty one later when the sun comes up. I've only been growin for six months my first batch turned out pretty good cant wait to sample the current girl in flower I'm tryin to do it right. I blew off ph checkin my spring water I "thought" it was ok but I am finding it has been runnin high over 7.0 and that will cause nute lockout the plant is unable to absorb nutes. Since I been takin a couple minutes to ph it now it has made a HUGE difference.
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